It's the mighty Flash

Sherpas & others living for generations at high altitudes have indeed evolved to use oxygen more effectively.

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came here to write the same. saw it as child in cinema and I think this was the one were I understood the concept of “camp” and the self-awareness of it in movies.

ed/ best scene, deeply impressed me then.

(sorry for the handheld, only full clip I could found)


Hah! A long time ago, my son (age 16 at the time) bought that for me at Christmas. He went to the local MediaPlay to get me a gift, and was looking through the Sci-Fi DVDs; he found it in among the Flash Gordon serials and thought it was a full-length Flash Gordon movie, and didn’t look closely at the packaging. We were a bit surprised that the clerk actually sold it to him; he said that the clerk looked at him a bit strangely, but went ahead and processed the sale. It has been the source of family amusement for years (even now, his older sister will sometimes bring it up - “Hey, remember that time you bought porn for Dad?”). :grinning:


It has to do with the production of red blood cells as they are the primary oxygen carrying vehicle in the body. High altitude increases the amount of hemoglobin in order to compensate for the relatively lower amount of oxygen in the air. Living at high altitude for prolonged periods means you’re naturally acclimatized for the decreased oxygen levels and is one reason why I can run like a gazelle when I go down to sea level.

This is the same principle behind blood doping and why the US Olympic training center is in Colorado Springs at 6000 ft.


I did that once at the cusp of the 80s/90s, but it was tentacle porn I rented when I thought it would be something more like Akira.


The cinema management where I saw that must have made bank on patrons leaving the adjacent TGIF mistaking it for the newly-released Flash Gordon. I will admit that pitchers of beer were involved.

I agree with @Artor and @the_borderer. BRIAN BLESSED is to be typed as if you’re shouting it from the rooftops!


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