“I hope you feel better now.”
“I hope you feel better now.”
Such a nasty woman! She’s great.
Among vile cowards who smile in the face of their victims McConnell has no peer…an absolutely soulless life form with no redeeming quality of any kind.
The Republican motto.
I would say that Mitch’s first priority is Mitch, then big oil, wall street and the NRA.
Fucker needs to have his head nailed into his shell permanently.
(I apologize to all turtles, tortoises, and all like animals for my unfair comparisons.)
He. Is. Ugh.
I actually felt she was pleading with mcconnel to give her_something_ so that she could maintain her faith. Dude; just tell her you’re gonna kick out all the Mexican rapists, and she’ll vote for you again
Mitch, then Mitch’s wife, then big oil, wall street and the NRA
She’s large with turtle eggs, digging furiously in the sand, trying to dig deep enough for all of them…
I’m guessing McConnell’s goofy grin was because he thought the “I’ll sit down and shut up like Elizabeth Warren” was a joke and not sarcasm.
They voted Trump because he promised to bring back the mining jobs, but coal jobs have been in steady decline since the 1980’s for several reasons, and there’s little Trump can do to bring them back. Anything he does will be window dressing. These folks thought if the jobs came back then they wouldn’t have to worry about their health care being cut. Now the GOP is moving to get rid of Obamacare with nothing to take its place, and no jobs on the horizon in Appalachia. Oops.
What he can and will do is slash environmental and worker protections for the coal industry. That makes the dying industry more profitable – donations! – and gives Trump something to crow about.
It won’t reopen any mines.
True. Trump’s big campaign tactic was to promise everyone everything. So he promised to bring back coal jobs, but at the same time he promised to increase fracking. . . and fracking is one of the main reasons coal is losing profitability.
“Do what you want to my wife, but leave me alone!”
Maybe we can seal him in with Mensez vaginal glue.
Even if only temporary, at least 45 will have to pee on him to open the shell back up.
As he’s being chewed out, he’s probably just remembering decades ago, when he could chew.
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