James Woods tweets 'n' deletes that John Fetterman is "brain damaged" and "would need interpreters" to run for president

From what I understand, Hawkings was not a pleasant person to work with, especially regarding the assistive tech that he used, which was a nightmarish mess held together with baling wire and cellotape. But your sentiment remains.

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If he ran on the Republican ticket (though many Republicans likely would characterize him as a RINO) I’d at least consider Charlie Baker, the outgoing governor of Massachusetts. He’s certainly no friend of either Trump or DeSantis (especially given DeSantis’s stunt of sending migrants to Martha’s Vineyard.)

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“When you’re electing the dead and the brain damaged… party over country…”

Dude! Republicans are voting for Walker who clearly has had a few concussions too many. And I know Republicans have voted dead people into office before. It’s like they never turn a statement around to see if it is hypocritical or not.

And Fetterman isn’t brain damaged. That is some ableist bullshit. I know a couple people who had strokes at a way too young of age. One of them, and former coworker, did amazing art and pin stripping and she has fought super hard to retrain her brain to do those tasks again, as well as train her left had to pick up the slack were the right hand can’t do somethings any more.

And the speculation is years from now. Fetterman should be back to at or near 100% by then.


Maybe the GQP should stop running obvious snake oil salesmen? I dunno maybe they should take a moment for some self reflection.

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I don’t know enough about him to comment. If all he’s done is gotten drunk on the Reaganite neoliberal Kool-Aid, though, he’s still part of the problem. Not leaving the GOP sometime in the last seven years definitely isn’t a point in his favour.


I have not heard anyone mentioning Fetterman for president.

And anyway, we needed an interpreter to figure out Trump’s daily stream-of-consciousness word-salad nonsense, so I’ll take a reasonably intelligent guy who had a stroke over a intellectually-lazy, lifetime-of-privilege selfish man-baby any day.

[ETA: for the record, you can heal from a stroke. A friend of mine had a stroke several years ago, woke up numb on one side. He’s recovered basically 100% now.]


Ah yes, James Woods, such a conspicuously miserable fuck that his own agent dropped him.


Bummer. I thought he was great in Salvador.


Sure, lots of people do. It’s not a death sentence, and even if he’s slightly impaired if he can do the job, great!

Meanwhile, their tough guy couldn’t stand in the potential rain at one of the most important military events in 50 years because he was afraid his hair would get wet.


No interpreter needed for people like Woods.

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I like Gavin Newsom. He’s got some issues, but he’s also got charisma, and he’s electable.


He was and probably still is a solid actor and used to have the sort of politics displayed by Salvador. The switch seems to have flipped against the Dems during the Clinton impeachment trial, which I suspect triggered memories of his ugly legal dispute with Sean Young over dueling sexual harassment allegations in 1988. Since 1999 he’s just taken every opportunity to dig himself deeper and deeper into right-wing radicalisation.


He once married Kimberly Guilfoyle. That demonstrates incredibly bad judgment. As does the affair he had with his married appointments secretary in 2005. Normally, I don’t really care about personal stuff like that, but haven’t we had enough rich white men in power who can’t keep it in their pants? I know it’s not cool these days to not like Newsom, but I don’t like Newsom.


When actors you used to like go bad…

Is he related to this douche…?

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Can we get through the current crisis and THEN deal with the systemic problems. PLEASE. I’m sick of being told that I’m being hysterical, and need to think long term and logically when I’ve already been stripped of a fundamental right.

All to often, these past few years, the existence of system problems have been used to dismiss the fascism staring at us, so let’s not exacerbate the problem right in front of us, and muddy the waters. That’s how they win.


The 1960s called: they want their politics back.

Seriously, though. We now have one party that proposes actual policies that have support of the vast majority of Anericans. We have another party that literally has no policy positions, and only hangs on to power by keeping people from voting and by scaring the electorate with lies about their opponents.

I would like to see a multi-party system with more optiins for progessives, but the only way we get there in the near term is if the GQP collapses under it’s own corruption.

There’s no bothsidesing ourselves out of this mess.


Excited Lets Go GIF


You’ve got to go all the way back to Eisenhower for that, you realize?


also according to his contemporaries he was IMPOSSIBLE to have a technical debate with
(and he stole hawking radiation)


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