Jan 6 committee to subpoena Alex Jones' emails and texts after spectacular leak

I don’t see any ‘malice’ in reveling in the moment when someone who sorely deserves it finally gets hoisted by their own petard…


The Knowledge Fight lads are going to have a ball a with this. Delicious.


Occam’s Razor and all that but I’m not convinced this was accidental.


I continue to question if this was a mistake or a “mistake.” Plausible deniability to out this odious shit pile?

Steve Urkel Oops GIF


I am thinking about that quote about attributing some event to incompetence rather than to malice. Maybe his lawyers really are just that bad at lawyering.
I was reading on another thread that the J6 committee and the DoJ aren’t the only ones coming for those records. He happens to have a very bitter recent ex-wife who is apparently preparing a subpoena immediately, because of course he lied through his teeth during the divorce proceedings. This is going to be the gift that keeps giving!


This reads almost like Dr Seuss prose, it’s poetic and beautiful.


BTW here’s the general ABA rules concerning “inadvertent discovery”

The plaintiffs acted correctly here in asking Jones’s counsel what part of it was privileged and what was not. Jones’s counsel, knowing what was ultimately sent said none of it was. This is not a case killer as people may think. In these situations the Court has the discretion to exclude anything which wasn’t relevant to the original discovery requests.

Also part of this is that admissions of criminal acts/perjury to the Court are not protected by attorney/client privilege. It may have started as an accident, but it became a CYA for Jones’s attorneys.


At the risk of sounding like I actually think that lawyer is capable of playing n-dimensional chess here, is there any possibility that a mistrial can then get Jones off of the current hook(s)?


After quashing their initial response of “HOLY FUCK! Did you really mean to send this to us?!” and instead selecting the blandest stock form possible. :rofl:


From what I understand, absolutely not. The plaintiff’s lawyer played everything by the book. To add icing to the cake of Jones-is-fucked, Jones spent the entire trial pissing of the judge. Also, this is a civil penalities phase of a trial. A claim of incompetent representation is not going to fly. Especially since the judge had to admonish Jones’ lawyer from using “personal injury lawyer” in a pejorative way to imply the plaintiff’s lawyer is an incompetent hack.


Thank you for this unpacking of today’s situation.

The ongoing claims that various Cult45 [in]famous people are “crazy like a fox” and not merely crazy are sand burrs under my saddle.

I did appreciate Judge Gamble’s pointed explanation to Jones that “[his] belief that something is true does not make it true. It does not protect [him]" and I will be recycling and reusing those words in some of the conversations I have with people in my neighborhood when relevant. Thanks Judge!

Amazingly, or maybe not, the new age, crystal-wearin’, The Secret-believin’ subculture in and around my neighborhood has this same… challenge? …opportunity for personal growth? … unfortunate quirk?.. as the MAGAs (also in my neighborhood, not so numerous).

I need to stick around people who haven’t fully departed reality for so long that they have apparently lost the ability to recognize reality even if it were put inside a grand piano and dropped on them.


“…things must actually be true when you say them”

Entire Republican party:


Cue the Downfall video…

“We’ve scrubbed the White House call logs in the critical period. The phones of the key people at USSS and DoD have been wiped. So, we should be in good shape to deny everything.”

“Steiner… Supreme El Cheesemo, Alex Jones’ lawyers accidentally sent all of his email and text messages to the opposing lawyers, and the Jan 6 Committee is going to subpoena them, perhaps the DoJ as well!”

“Anyone who has ever bought any Super Male Vitality drops, Lung Cleanse Plus Spray or Prostaguard pills, leave the room.”


If you think this was accidental, you are living in an alternate reality. I don’t know what the strategy here is, but it was intentional.

He just doesn’t know how to fucking shut his trap. :man_shrugging:


Citation? Any evidence?

Because there’s a fucking huge pile of evidence indicating that Alex Jones is incapable of hiring a competent lawyer and actively makes the incompetent ones he does hire worse.

These people have made it a abundantly clear that they don’t have a clue what they are doing throughout these proceedings.

If there is a strategy at play on Alex’s part, it is simply to bloviate through these proceedings and use them to shill for more money.

He believes and is probably right that no matter the outcome, he will still be able to shill his marks for money and the more he can whine about how ‘the globalists’ are coming after him, the more money he can gather.

Even if he is bankrupted, he can still live a very comfortable life from the funds he raise from the hateful bigots and other poor souls who listen to him and buy his shit.

Why are there so many mistakes in the defendants’ conduct of the proceedings? Simply because no one on that side cares enough about the proceedings to do it right.

Oh and they’re all incompetents who have been able to go through life with everyone whose opinion they care about telling them how amazing they are and by definition anyone who doesn’t think they are amazing is someone whose opinion they don’t care about.


What a lovely video, thanks.
Not the sort of thing I normally watch, so I found it a refreshing change.
I particularly enjoyed his single accurate statement: “My destruction will be spectacular”.


One of the rephrasings of Hanlon’s razor goes sonething along the lines of “if you’ve a choice between cunning overarching conspiracy or incompetence, the smart money is always on incompetence”.


Not necessarily a prediction, but he’s going to piss off the wrong person one of these days.