January 6 picketer gets teary eyed in court: "No one wants to hire me"



The government needs to force private companies to hire these people in the name of FREEDOM! /s


Found in comments on McFarlanes twitter, snagged:

Not saying he’s a PB, still…

Oh, you want a respectable, well-paying job, eh?
Well, buddy, your sights are aimed far too high, especially after you have a prison record. A Federal prison at that. Hope your domicile is paid for, otherwise good luck finding an apartment.
Gonna have to carry a hoe with you from now on as well, for scraping the bottom of the barrel for jobs. Here are some hints about dealing with your new lot in life:
Pawn Shops. Don’t bother with the Loan Sharks. You may well have to downsize, anyway.
Got Blood? Sure you do!
I hear you might get cash money if you hang out by the Home Depot… don’t show up in a suit & tie. Be there early. Earlier than you think. Earlier than that.

The Sedition Hunters found footage of him assaulting a cop, but he was sentenced for the original misdemeanor plea. Not to say he won’t be brought up on those charges later, but the Feds were wanting 6 months for the misdemeanor.
In any case, he wasn’t a mere ‘picketer’, He was inside, so…

Dude’s just sorry he got caught, that’s all.
I wonder how long it’ll be after he gets out before he is on the Usual Places, whining about The Unfairness Of It All.

EDIT: clarity


I just wish I were there for the glorious moments of realization through hindsight.

The Daily Show Wow GIF by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Shocked Dean Norris GIF by Breaking Bad

Christopher Lloyd Realization GIF


Agreed, they were ostensibly adults, making adult choices, and should face adult consequences. Sometimes those consequences include being shunned.


Oh bullshit. This isn’t the system pushing too hard, he’s struggling finding a job for under a year, because he tried to participate in the violent overthrow of democracy in this country. I spent longer than that struggling because the labor market was a touch tight. He attacked a cop and is facing a recommendation for less time than I was threatened with for being in a march that slowed traffic.

He punched a cop and wasn’t able to get off on a glorified jaywalking charge. The plea they offered him was still under a year in prison, for again punching a cop.


Definitely toxic masculinity. The christian nationalism was a tougher sell at the synagogue mine met at, but it was certainly some brand of nationalism.


I know you didn’t make this image but it’s really irritating that it doesn’t say “thou shalt” as would be correct. Just as the one right above should be “find out”


I’d be curious to know what percentage of this is “I didn’t think consequences would happen to me” and what percentage is “I actually thought I was the glorious vanguard of the likeminded patriots and expected to return home a hero to my people”?

Obviously, fuck this guy either way he got off way too lightly; but I am still interested in the question of how much of this is about being a defiant child who thinks that rules and consequences shouldn’t apply to them; and how much is about being aware of(probably even enthusiastic about) the fact that transgressions against society can lead to punishment; but being surprised and dismayed to discover that the society outside their facebook bubble isn’t in fact clamoring for a fascist dictatorship of god-emperor trump?


It’s an important question, not least because if it’s the first option, then public naming and shaming and sentencing will cause such people to think twice next time…but if it’s the second option, then all we’re doing is causing them to go back underground to plot their next, bigger coup.


As you note, it’s important tactically and strategically; I’m also interested in it just because (at least to my ‘have studied history; am not psychologist’ understanding) it seems like the processes between antisocial transgression by people who either believe that the rules don’t apply to them, have poor impulse control; actively enjoy the suffering of the target, etc. and prosocial violence, various flavors of acting on the part of Us against Them(from cheering on the home team to firebombing enemy population centers and outright genocide) seem to work rather differently and attract rather different people. Certainly not all antisocial violence is done by thugs and gangsters(some of the M&A chop shop guys and assorted finance-tier looters act quite respectably indeed; it’s much more efficient to operate that way); but pro-social violence seems to be the stuff where you can get significant involvement by otherwise inoffensive(even downright nice and caring within their circle) everyman types doing things that they would never ordinarily be moved to(if only out of lack of audacity and ambition, rather than principled objections to something they had thought about) march to war so long as you give them a leader and a target.

They also seem to be two flavors that the hard right has had some uncomfortable success in synergizing: you’ve got the thug types with the face full of white power tattoos; and you’ve got the boring middle/upper-middle class suburbanites who would actually care what the boy scout troop and the local church think about them and (had) a respectable and boring career of some sort. And they’re both storming the capital…


I think they are legitimately surprised at how outright hated most of their beliefs are. Mainly because they write off anyone who dusts
disagrees with their beliefs as a weak liberal snowflake.


Well boo-fucking-hoo - my heart bleeds.
I am truly coming up short on the number of fucks I couldn’t give for these over-entitled assholes.
Here’s some science for this dickhead - for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


Looking back, our assistant scoutmaster may have been a psychopath. So… yep.


In Reeder’s mind…White privilege?


Luke 23:34 says otherwise.

That may be part of it, but I think a much more significant contributing factor is they’re all stuck on Facebook living in their tiny echo chamber. They legitimately get no exposure to opposing viewpoints outside of the strawmen put in front of them on their social feed.

When they encounter the real world they quickly run into the fact that they are at best 1/3rd of the overall population and most people think they suck.

For the last 10 years their FB feed tells them that their opinions are good and valuable and that everyone agrees that all those damn n-----s and mexicans are who are ruining america.

Sure they write off anyone who disagrees as weak snowflakes, but they’re so shocked by their lack of mainstream acceptance because they’re so heavily propagandized and so poorly connected to their communities.

I’d be sad for these pathetic losers if they weren’t so dangerous and disgusting.




If they thought that on January 6, they must really hate Trump now for so thoroughly tricking them and leaving them out to dry.


That would be where rational thinking would lead, yes.

However… [points to past 5 years]