Japanese react to weird ad depicting Asian woman getting aroused sniffing dirty clothes worn by white men

Based on the positive reaction of some of the respondents I see promise for my “Guess What Breakfast” brand of canned farts.

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ohh the spell of it

Their response as well as the ad itself are quite obviously tongue in cheek and even self-deprecating in a way as the men providing the used underwear obviously don’t fit any prevalent ideal of attractiveness. In (stereotypical) reality, the roles would be reversed, which is a classic stylistic device of humour. Hornbach has a long history of over the top concepts and aesthetics juxtaposed with mundane home improvement activities for humorous effect.

If I had anything to criticise about this particular ad, it’s that the setup is too lengthy for the punchline. I prefer their more concise print ads.


“Sweat flows when muscles cry”
I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty funny.


It’s just that cheeky, offbeat German humour we all know and love… that’s often way off the mark.

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I disagree with that. Their response reflects a “fuck you”, dismissive, culturally-blind attitude that falls in line with the sensibilities of the Asian ad. How often have we heard racists, after jabbing at their targets, say, “C’mon. Can’t you take a joke?”

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I find it fascinating that you and others here are even arguing about whether or not this response was made with serious intention, it’s so obviously stupid and the choice of words so willfully pretentious. I will take this thread as a reminder how culturally informed humour can be.

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The beer vending machines are a marvel. It was pricy, but I bought a 2 liter jug of beer from one. It shook as if possessed vending it.

Yeeesssss. Exactly.

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