Japan's prime minister treated to dessert in a shoe


I read that and thought “I’ve never heard or seen anything that indicates you don’t wear shoes at the office” in any Japanese movies or shows I’ve seen.

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In my Japanese office (western company, ~50% japanese staff), we have quite a lot of people who change to slippers when they get to the office. So it’s not 100% bullshit, just YMMV.

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I suspected that this was a non issue from the start, a fake balagan that ended up as fake news, so I did an unscientific survey based on that photo. I showed it to about 30 Japanese coworkers and shop clerks, none of whom had seen the photo or heard of the “news” story and asked em what they thought of the food in the photo. Results

19 “looks tasty”
8 “I dont like sweets”
3 “I’m busy, dont bother me”


what about baby food, or stinky cheeses?

And when you look at the price of those metal shoes you realize what the real offensive thing is about this story.

A lot of national leaders seem to be indulging in Ancien Regime style tasteless luxury these days.


You mean the Kardashians? Or did you mean Beyonce and Jay-Z?

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I was thinking more of political leadership, but I like your point better! :smile:

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I have no idea what you’re talking about. None of these ladies would ever be accused of saying, “Let them eat cake.”:

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Hrm, image appears broken ]:

Off-topic: In defense of Marie Antoinette, she never said anything of the sorts. The story of “Let Them Eat Cake” even predates her but eventually got attributed to her for whatever reason.


Because she wasn’t French. She was the archduchess of Austria when she came into the marriage, so it was easier to blame her for all the excesses of the French throne, since she was foreign.


OTOH, the stuff about the silver milkmaid’s buckets apparently was true.

Marie was a scapegoat, but she was still a bloody aristocrat.

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