Originally published at: JD Vance lies about lying - Boing Boing
There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the dining room table – and I don’t mean that people will be outraged, alarmed, disgusted. That is true, but irrelevant. The key point, says my Australian friend, is that everyone will shout, “Jeez, mate, there’s a dead cat on the table!” In other words, they will be talking about the dead cat – the thing you want them to talk about – and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.
Repeatedly throwing the cat at the floor and hoping for a bounce is making quite a mess.
Children now can’t go to school
Conservatives should be super outraged about this, right? I mean, back during the pandemic, which had the deadliest impact our world anyone has seen in over 100 years, Republicans overwhelmingly decried the closure of schools for any reason and rolled up plenty of political capital off of how wrong it was to prevent kids from being in schools.
Now as schools are being closed for a reason completely driven by multiple Republicans, the Conservative base should be up in arms, right? Right?!?
It’s almost as if children don’t actually matter to them.
I’m sure they’re going to get a concept of a plan about gun safety “in the next 4 weeks”
Let me check my calendar…I think that aligns with Infrastructure Week!
Should be but aren’t because the school nurses are busy making their kids trans /s
vance converted to Catholicism a few years back (c2019). vance is in direct and overt violation of… [checks versions of ten commandments, finds Catholic version]: Commandant number 8: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” So here’s this gormless agnostic’s question: Is there any mechanism whereby some priest or nun or deacon actively contacts a member of the church and effectively says: “You’re in grievous need of a visit to the confessional booth!” …lest, i dunno, excommunication or Nun-ruler-slappage (he might like that?) or some-such? (“naaah as long as the tithes flow in (‘good works’) it’s all pretty much… ‘meh’”)
I thought they were making them into cats.
Which CLEARLY would be putting them at risk of consumption.
Republicans have never accepted anyone who disagrees with them as being their neighbor.
I would expect nothing less from John-Wayne-Gacy-with-a-beard*. It’s not like he was going to suddenly tell the truth about lying - it would defeat the whole purpose.
And how much they’ll make hay out of another reason to defund public education, sending the the public funds along with their kids off to whatever private or homeschool option suits their faith or politics.
JD Vance fucks dead cats.
As a child JD Vance had a foot fetish.