JD Vance: Sofa king weird

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/07/29/jd-vance-sofa-king-weird.html


Penalizing women and couples for failing to produce children and for seeking fertility treatments is really some next-level dystopian bullshit even for post-Roe America.


That extra votes for the kids thing will rapidly become an attack on women’s voting rights. These people are shameless.





Minor editing suggestion:

The sentence in the article: “Forcing women to carry children to term.”

Suggested edit: “Forcing women to carry pregnancies to term.”

I hope that the reason is obvious.


Thanks, updated.





Great to see Teen Vogue is still crushing it.

I get why the trad wife lifestyle looks appealing. At a time when money is tight for many, more and more are disillusioned by how hard and stressful it is to work. Who doesn’t want to spend their days making apple pie and soap from scratch? It looks appealing because capitalism is destroying all our lives. It’s forcing us to work harder and harder for less and less. The trad wife aesthetic depends on the invisible labor of women of color because it’s just capitalism dressed up in nostalgia. It always was.

People like Vance are laying out a vision for white cis women, which includes a place in society bolstered by the subjugation of Black and Brown cis and trans women, as well as nonbinary individuals. It’s one where white women — or women who conform to white Christian values — are given a certain place, while continuing to capitalize off the labor of people of color. Conversations about trad wife propaganda must include a frank conversation about the exploitation of people of color, particularly women, that is forever central to capitalism. It seems as though if Vance has his way, the trad wife aesthetic will come for us all, but not all of us will survive it.


The thing is - people with kids DO get extra votes! They just take 18 years to kick in. If you aren’t terrible parents, your children should echo your values and most of your views.

If you are terrible parents, whoopsie doodle, you probably just created more opposition votes.

ETA - also obligatory reminder of Sofa King on Aqua Teen Hunger Force.


Your welcome, and thank you!


This is a tough one to untangle, but…

Good parents can also create opposition votes. Parents and children can disagree politically, without rancor or incivility.

And terrible parents don’t necessarily negate their political influence on their kids. Plenty of terrible parents have kids who, although they received the brunt of terribleness at their parents hands, nonetheless share the parents’ political worldview.

I differ with my folks on political matters, but I don’t fault their parenting.

My kids hew a little closer to my leanings, but by no means are we in complete agreement.

I’m just trying to say that family politics is a complex area that is not black and white, but a spectrum.


(Sincere pre-apologies if this breaks a rule and needs to become a ‘pull-out’.)

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I’m glad he made this distinction. There’s good, fun, Happy Mutant weird. Then there’s creepy, disturbing, Gilead weird. Vance isn’t far off from Fred Waterford.


That’s all true, of course. I was generalizing. I just have at the forefront of my mind people I know who either were rejected by their parents for one reason or another, of have become estranged because of their devotion to MAGA.

The point still stands that a family with children WILL end up having more votes eventually - and may or may not echo the parents.

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I’m sure that there would be a coda to that legislation that, in order to earn the tax break, you would need to have the white kind of kids.


They don’t want that kind of ambiguous future extra votes. They want their “Three-Fifths Clause.” and they want it now. This is all to control women, future generations, LGBT and POC people, and to enshrine their thousand years Christofascist Third Reich.


Of course. Here we agree completely.


I guess that, in this brave new world, the pater familias will place a block vote for his family.


It’s also true that people without kids DO pay extra taxes! At least here in Canada, where there are child tax credits.

Also, people without kids pay taxes for things like schools, which they’ll never get any (direct) benefit from.


That’s exactly what he’s proposing here. In combination with Project 2025, we can reasonably expect it to include voting for the wife in there, too. That’s what these Christofascists want - not to eliminate women’s right to vote, per se, but hand it over to the control of (white, cis, hetero) men. :rage: