JFK was disguised as Trump at Arizona rally, says QAnon cultists

I’m still baffled by the whole Trump/Johnson worship angle…

Even if you completely discard the political aspects, they’re absolutely beyond-terrible people.

HOW can you near hero-worship them?

If we invented some kind of politician that fit my personal politics entirely, but had their level of personality i’d run a mile and never vote for them on pain of death… I don’t get it. They are garbage-fire level people… :disappointed:


Honestly, I think that’s actually part of it. There are some people who like being horrible to others. I’m sure you’ve met plenty of bullies and assholes in your life, who seem to get off on being cruel to others. Some people think that’s how you express masculinity and toughness - being a dick to those who you deem “lesser than” who need to be “kept in their place.”


There’s a lot of evidence that an insecureTrump is not actually 6 ft 3 but wears lifts in public.



Perhaps the Trumpists have built up such an idealized image of the man in their minds that anything short of a gleaming, towering demigod falls short of expectations (and he is WAY short of those expectations).


Now you mention it, i have encountered this.

Co-worker who seemed okay at first, but there was an undercurrent of provoking people into angry meltdowns because he found that funny.

To start with he was civil, but there was always this low level malice to provoke others. (looking back i’m sure he helped along a few others leaving)

What really clued me in was one case where a friend of his had an angry meltdown at a visiting member of management due to a silly reason and got suspended for two weeks. On his return he got the full force of his ‘friend’ trying to provoke him into another angry rage because he’d find it funny. I’ll never forget that look of complete confusion on his friend realising this.

Anyways, a few months later, said person got himself fired for absurdly stupid reasons (letting loose a bag of stink bombs) and the other had another random blowup at management leaving both fired. My job has improved greatly without them :slight_smile:


Well, anoint is often used in the Catholic church… :slight_smile:
The other day, some guy on a NASA twitter thread was going on about how space is fake, no one has ever been to space, the earth is flat, etc…
I’ve seen the question posed “when did people get so unhinged and why is there such a mental health problem now in our country?”
I thought about this as I was reading this guy’s tweets and I remembered back to when I worked in a grocery store for most of the 80’s and all of the 90’s.
The answer is that there have always been a percentage of people who are either shitbags or who are off the rails in some sense. The internet just amplifies them.


I can imagine!

Who does that kind of shit at their job?

Billie Eilish Wtf GIF by Global Citizen


The Dream

The Reality


And to put this into context, this was at a delivery depot at peak xmas period, and they were running around the warehouse like 5 year olds…

It’s kind of rare to side with management, but damn they did well here :slight_smile:


Every now and again, management makes good choices!


These idiots are nothing compared to

Qklowns are just bike horn noise.


Pretty sure these loons are back in Dallas by now, awaiting the Second Coming.
Here’s the cult leader

And the other cultists

And speaking of cult leaders, here’s another one that lives in the Metroplex:
Kenneth Copeland’s Compound
There’s his airport, t.v. station, mansion, church, etc…


Don’t you see? They used the reliable technique of peering between their thumb and forefinger.


Fight fire with fire!
It wasn’t JFK disguised as Trump. It was MLK disguised as Trump!

Oh My God Wow GIF by The Swoon


We do NOT want to talk about Trump’s Johnson!


And here I thought the Ray Epps thing was the most bone-headed (current) conspiracy theory from these idiots. Every time you think they may have hit rock bottom, though…they can always go lower, and get even dumber.


In managements defense, those two were probably costing them money. lols

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Derail start:

That is the cutest little furball with fangs ever!

Derail end.


I know. Ralph´s picture gave me the clue.

But this Qanon… I think it started as a grassroot lunatic movement, but now people weaponized it and it is part of a playbook used by grifters around the globe.