#JOBSNOTMOBS is Trump's new campaign hate meme, promising full-on fascism if you'll 'VOTE REPUBLICAN NOW'



Perhaps, but a much bigger trend is that the party that turns out it’s base (and whose base are consistent, not celebrity, voters) wins midterms. And that’s why the Republicans have won the majority of midterms in my lifetime, regardless of who is currently in power.


The idea that every turn of the insanity dial is actually covering for insecurity is somewhat comforting, except when you know they’ll turn it up to 11 in the event of an actual loss of power…


I hope the PodSaveAmerica counter-hashtag, #WAGESNOTCAGES, will prove useful in messaging against this kind of dreck. But there’s room for the more puerile as well…


If this is to be believed one outcome could be this:

  1. Trump turns on the heads of the Republican party, blames them for the loss of the house.
  2. Mueller investigation releases deeply damaging report
  3. Republicans line up behind Democrats for their pound of flesh in impeachment hearings

Guess we’ll see.


So it turns out the cop killer in Trump’s racist, anti-Democratic campaign ad was actually released from prison by the “tough-on-crime sheriff” / convicted felon who Trump himself pardoned.

Once again, we are truly living in the stupidest possible timeline.


I wonder if this is why the twitter rants are muted today compared to earlier in the week?

Of course it could as easily be his coke dealer is out of town.

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Also under Arpaio’s irresponsible and criminal oversight was the loss of 20 to 22 military firearms that continue to show up over the years. Some were full auto, including one recovered from a recent shootout on I-17.


One of the things that pisses me off so much about Sheriff Joe’s fans is that despite—or maybe even because of—his brutal “tough-on-crime” approach to law enforcement he actually had a terrible track record when it came to reducing crime rates.

So the people who kept voting for him didn’t really support policies punishing criminals and immigrants because that was the best way to keep people safe. They just liked the idea of cruelty for cruelty’s sake.


Remind me a little: what do we do at the Ministry of Alteration?
You… change people, Sir.
In what way?
You change them from being alive people, to being dead people. To purify Democracy.


Wasn’t this the exact thing that conservatives point to when liberals claim that Obama had no scandals? (“Fast and the Furious” with Eric Holder)

And yet, AOK for America’s favorite racist grandpa sheriff.


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