#JOBSNOTMOBS is Trump's new campaign hate meme, promising full-on fascism if you'll 'VOTE REPUBLICAN NOW'

I like the DSAs rallying cry of “Democratize Everything” but I can see how could scare away the right wing of the Democrats.


If you can get a single Democratic candidate to get on board with either of those you get 1000 internet points.


Everything the Democratic party does has to be approved by Joe Manchin first. And David Brooks.


i dunno. “Punch a nazi” is pretty great, in my opinion.


…At least until Red Hats get those jobs as mobs when the brown shirt uniforms get shipped out.


They’re still running on “America was already great” and “have you seen the other guys?”.

There was a (slim) one-off chance to overwhelm voter suppression and the gerrymander with a massive turnout surge. They’ve blown that.

By 2020, that possibility will be gone.


There are signs that turnout will be unusually high for a mid term in early voting numbers. Nothing definite I agree, but I wouldn’t be so quick to admit defeat already.


That’s great…who can I vote for who is running on that?

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At 1:08, interspersed with armageddon images, we see a conservatively dressed black man wearing a MAGA hat being interviewed. Oh the horror! The horror of Trump’s base. The ultrasonic dog whistle has become a fire alarm-loud claxon.

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I already voted. No reason to wait. If possible in your area do it tomorrow.


Fuck 'em.

The views and opinions expressed in this forum are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Democratic Socialists of America.


Not mobs. One mob. The Mob. The greatest Mob. The best, the best, everyone says so.

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Historically, midterm elections have been dominated by the “run against” the party in power. Dems don’t have someone to rally behind, but they do have someone to rally against, and that’s probably the right play for midterms.

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TLDR: the Dems need to beat the GOP by 12 points nationally just to scrape a bare majority in Congress.


A twelve point margin requires much more than just a low-policy negative campaign. Especially when you consider that the twelve point thing is just gerrymandering; it doesn’t account for voter suppression and disenfranchisement.

It also doesn’t account for the point that you need much more than a bare majority if you’re to avoid being held hostage by the DINOs.


The Democrats have spent forty years moving steadily to the Right. We keep being told we have to be “realistic” and that any progress will be “incremental”, that we have to “triangulate” and be “Centrist”. Where has it gotten us? That strategy has lost the Democratic Party the White House, the Courts, Congress, the Senate, and so close to 2/3 of the States that the Republicans are within striking distance of being able to completely rewrite the Constitution. They ceded Working Class votes under the Clintons.

And every single time they say "Don’t worry. If we just move a little further to the right “For every vote we lose in the cities we’ll pick up two in the suburbs.”

Almost half a century later it still isn’t working.


I am surprised it has taken this long. The Proud Little Boys, the Threepers and Oaf Creepers will be the SA. If Congress or the Senate tries to stop him he will just put on the Ring and have someone read Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpat for him. The SCROTUS will back him 5-4. The Lying Press will hiccup a little and fall in line.

And my mixed race Jew-Muslim #libtard family will have first seats on the cattle car. We are that close.


It is true. Unfortunately, one of his weaknesses is his unwillingness to learn from anyone smarter than himself.


This is very, very bad. This is the kinds of stuff that causes his supporters to do violent things to innocent people.

A bunch of goons yelling in the street, and a hundred jump cuts to 4 frames of completely unrelated news footage, some of which I’m not even sure was shot in America, let alone had anything to do with the people trying to prevent fascism from completely dominating the US sure sounds real scary.

Maybe we should add in the three terrorist attacks that happened in the US last week. We had a serial mail bomber, two executed black men, and someone shot up a synagogue. Where’s the footage of that on Trump’s side of the video? What about the Oklahoma City bombing? That was the present GOP’s “America” too.

This man is going to get more people killed and he’s going to delight in every minute of it.


Nah, they’ll be saving that for the next presidential elections.