If you can’t fix what you have, you can’t really be considered a “progressive.”
Fantasies about third parties at this point will only entrench/benefit one party—as they did in 2016.
If you can’t fix what you have, you can’t really be considered a “progressive.”
Fantasies about third parties at this point will only entrench/benefit one party—as they did in 2016.
well, according to recent polling, the dems are largely very middle-of-the-road between conservative and liberal, so that seems to be what’s fueling his numbers. the internet is vocal and left of him, but we’re not the majority.
But let’s just remember that ideological purity getting taking shots is far more important than actually getting a Democrat into office in the 2020 election.
Hillary Clinton was a “safe” candidate with a broad appeal. Gore was a “safe” candidate with a broad appeal. John Kerry was chosen for their “electability”. Hillary Clinton was also the “safe” candidate when Obama won the primary.
I think this idea of running safe, electable, centrist candidates has no basis in reality. “Electable” is a word that seems to mean, “unlikely to be elected”. I’m not saying Biden wouldn’t/won’t win. I just don’t buy this line of reasoning because it doesn’t seem to have panned out in the past.
i dont see why this hasn’t reached instagram filter status. i want me some eye chomping gifs.
…the eyes have it.
Never apologize, never explain.
or possibly a lot worse . . .
seriously, doesn’t he have some kind of a life and a family to retire to? doesn’t he look tragically old in any non-scripted/candid photos/is there anything he offers that other candidates aren’t already offering (except possibly that weird, and certain to be ephemeral, lead in the polls)?
Ah; you’ve heard of Jeremy Corbyn, then?
The Aristocrats!
If nothing changes and corporate America is in control of our country regardless of whether it’s Trump or Biden, wtf is the point? Might as well elect Satan at that point.
Yeah, but he brings making old white people feel comfortable to the table! /s
I’ll take “Fascism” for $400, Alex.
And this is how you give Trump a second term.
Which is why the focus of the primary needs to be on “who will get the best turnout from the half of the country that usually doesn’t vote?” rather than “who is least offensive to Republicans?” or “who will collect the largest bribes from corporate donors?”.
Oh, is he running too?
But seriously, likening Biden to Satan is probably going overboard for anyone that doesn’t want things to devolve into a circular firing squad.
I think he showed incredibly bad judgement not making over-the-top level sufficient amends to Anita Hill, but I don’t think he’s equivalent to Trump (or Satan).
(That one always makes me chuckle… I had a chance to get one of those in flag form at least year’s anime convention we go to, but when I went back to get it, they had sold out…)