after having slept on it and thought about for a day, i have decided that if joe biden is the answer then someone, somewhere needs to be asking different questions.
Those are all also preferable to Biden though.
Right. So not Biden.
Well, I am. Like for starters, what will it take to get more people to reject the same old warmed-over, neoliberal centrism-that’s-actually-conservatism?
now see, that’s what i’m talking about. you’d have to be drunk and at the end of a three day ether binge to say the answer to that question is joe biden.
Joe looked at all the attention Howard Schultz has been getting with his “please don’t be mean to billionaires” stump speech and said “I need to get me some of that.”
Ugh, how much more blatantly establishment can this guy be.
And to think this crusty old asshole has the best chance of getting the nomination.
True, but at this point we still have a choice of who will represent blue.
Choose wisely.
Ensure that the primary produces a candidate that can generate the required turnout, or it won’t matter if you vote blue.
Half of the country are neither Democrats nor Republicans. They won’t vote for tribal loyalty, and they won’t vote just because they’re told to. Demanding support does not create it; it drives it away.
Give them something to vote for, and they might come out to save your asses. Give them the same old shit, and they certainly won’t.
A lot of it will depend on young people turning out to participate in the primaries. Their demographic clout now matches if not exceeds that of those over age 55, and they seem to realise that business-as-usual Third Way Dem politicians of any age aren’t going to address the problems they face in the future.
Or, you know…
Hey everybody, don’t worry.
Brother Donald isn’t going to let any so-called Democrats get in the way of Bernie getting his shot.
He’ll do what he can to help. For fairness.
Agreed. Those who trot out arguments along the lines of “the perfect is the enemy of the good” need to be persistently and loudly reminded that “the mediocre is also the enemy of the good”, (and in many cases nowadays it is the more dangerous enemy).
I think that a lot of the divisions along these lines have to do with generational and media-consciousness orientations towards old-world (i.e. pre-internet) concepts of a political center or mainstream. A lot of folks still recall (and assume) a landscape that was governed by the fairness doctrine and local newspapers as information umpires/gatekeepers. Not the case so much these days and as the current situation demonstrates - those assumptions aren’t inspiring voters or winning elections.
Exactly right. If one of the candidates to the left of Biden has a better chance than he does to draw voters in the 2020 general, their first chance to prove that is to draw more voters in the primaries.
Can’t wait for everyone who piled onto Ilhan Omar to line up to make excuses for why Joe Biden’s use of an actual anti-Semitic slur is totally fine and just an innocent mistake.
And as we all know, there is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.