Joe Biden projected to win Michigan, Mississippi, & Missouri Democratic primaries

lol you can call it the wafflers

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Identical, huh?

Quite a statement. Whatever else you believe about Biden, do you honestly think the judges he would appoint to the Supreme Court and the rest of the federal judiciary would be equally bad as the ones Trump is appointing on behalf of the Federalist society? Even if the two men were equally bad in every other way (and they’re not even close) that one issue alone should be enough to convince any reasonable person to pull the lever for the Democratic nominee. Those are lifetime appointments, and another Trump term would cause lasting and significant damage to our judiciary.


i can’t tell if this is meant as parody and if so i apologize for the wall of text:

as a victim of abuse, telling me i am obligated to choose your preferred abuser in a sing song voice like i’m a schoolchild is not endearing.

i have felt bullied and gaslit this entire primary (not by anyone here, elsewhere) and i am extremely, extremely upset that i may be forced, once again, to tolerate an abuser in a position of power over me because the alternative is worse.

i am gravely concerned what will happen if biden is nominated as the democratic candidate

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Maybe, just maybe, Bernie isn’t as popular with the general electorate as we would have liked/hoped? I know, it’s a ridiculous thought. I think @LurksNoMore had a great take as to why this may be.

Hopefully next time around we can get someone more progressive on the ticket. Hopefully it’s not after 4 more years of Trump. If Biden won and we are able to win the Senate and keep the House, that’s a recipe for some real net good.


Vote Blue Vote Blue VOTE BLUE! [even if it hurts to]

That means you too…

P.S. the rhyming is a free-bee.

Can we have Vice President Liz at least?


It wasn’t the Democratic establishment that voted- it wasn’t the Democratic establishment that alienated someone you wanted support from.

Telling someone that they’re evil and they suck - then whining that they didn’t support you is more stupid than stupid and more entitled than entitled. It’s in man baby territory.

This “democracy thing would be great if we could just get rid of the voters” is a superlative level of stupidity.




Never said that. I was implying with my comment that this scenario seems created to benefit the candidate the establishment and the media wanted to win. It doesn’t seem like “o ho ho, and Joe Biden is the candidate that rises from the ashes”. Seems too convenient to be true.

You could, but Warren’s far more useful as a Senator, or maybe in some cabinet position.


Far be it from me to suggest someone may have been blaming a certain woman for their candidates failures.


Every moderate got behind Joe Biden. Funny how the 1 progressive candidate sits this one out. Seems REALLY convenient. I wonder what cabinet position she was promised for trading the future of progressive policy.

As @Mindysan33 so eloquently stated:


Well I hope she enjoys her 30 pieces of Silver for a seat on the MAYBE Joe Biden Presidency. Nice to know allies of policy can support each other.

If a woman doesn’t endorse your candidate she’s a puppet woman who is incapable of making decisions on her own.

And you wonder why the taint of misogyny lingers.


There’s no misogyny here. Literally people dropped out and endorsed Trump for a seat in his cabinet last time around. All those candidates were men, wheres your sexism bs now? Sexism is real but, it doesn’t extend to people putting their own political futures > the future of the country.



And Elizabeth Warren not endorsing anybody the second she drops out is what now?


She was promised something, it’s not that far fetched. If Biden wins, she might be the secretary of state. Come back to this post come when he starts picking his cabinet.