Remember, it was a primary, so you either had a choice between Biden and Sanders, or a choice between Trump and not voting. Literally.
Putting aside (for the moment) any claim of having precisely nailed down the exact pinpoint reason for Biden’s surge (see below), I again ponder the seeming effectiveness of ‘formulae’ and marketing principles used to get to the top of the heap.
The Hill has an interesting pedigree, with wiki (the source for what’s to follow) only scratching the surface.
Four of its six columnists are Dems. One of them happens to be Juan Williams – still Democratic – fired by NPR twenty odd years ago for ‘sharing’ personal (seemingly anti-Muslim) comments in public.; lots of controversy around that one.
Then this:
In 2019, CNN reported that [The Hill Chairman] Finkelstein was interfering in the editorial independence of the paper in an inappropriate way to minimize criticism of American President Donald Trump.They reported that staff were “in revolt” over Finkelstein’s ownership style.
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