John McAfee found dead in jail cell

It’s still a travesty that he died while under government supervision, but I can actually believe that this was a guy who’d literally rather die than pay taxes, and who’d kill himself after hinting at a conspiracy just to mess with people.
(I could also see him do the calculus of the situation: considering his lifestyle he’d’ve been unlikely to get very old, so maybe he’d prefer going out on his own terms as a final “fuck you” to the US government rather than spend his last few years in prison)


I came here to mention that in a more boring way (“there is a typo…”), you beat me to it with humour and style :wink:

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I’m surprised Nihilist Arby’s has not weighed in yet


There should be a separate word for rich/millionaire if much of that wealth hoard is just someone not paying their taxes.





I don’t think he actually could pay them. He probably lost all the money on some harebrained drug-induced scheme.

The fact that he chose to commit suicide when he heard he was going to be extradited to the U.S. probably says something about the bad state of the U.S. prison system. Or he was just crazy (well, obviously…) but that’s still a sad outcome in my book.

Yes, he was a crazy junky, a creep and probably a criminal, but the amount of people here positively gloating about a suicide is rather sickening. He deserved to be held accountable, true. I’d prefer a white collar prison (all prisons should be ‘white collar prisons’ imho) above suicide any day.


As long as we’re affirming that he killed himself, that’s the important part

Only CRAZY PEOPLE think “deaths in custody” are “suspicious”

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well, it could be sinister. But to me it doesn’t really seem likely. He was not really the type that was a threat to ‘the powers that be’. Too much crackpot drug addled crazyness to be believable, even if he would somehow have known something worth killing him over. And I think it’s unlikely he did. It’s not as if he had knowledge of rich clients like epstein. He probably had lots of enemies, but I doubt they would have bothered to ‘whack’ him, to borrow his own term. I don’t see what they would have gained from that.

Please, save your pearl clutching.

He contributed to a lot of intentional and wilful misinformation, stuff that hurt people. Being glad that another person who contributed to the decline of civilization can no longer influence people in their horrible ways isn’t gloating, it’s just being glad that one more bad person has shuffled off their mortal coil.

Dead? Or still running in the background?


Crazy? No.

Here’s the thing. Prisoners die in prison from suicide, neglect and torture all the time. But when it’s some narcissistic putatively rich white guy it seems to strain public credulity that that guy wouldn’t want to live.

Epstein I could at least understand the reasoning behind a conspiracy since the guy really did probably have dirt on a lot of rich powerful people. It’s still a conspiracy theory and pure speculation unless and until someone presents evidence. But I could at least understand why people believed it.

But McAfee? Why? What’s the point other than narcissistic putatively rich white guy who, to boot, lived recklessly?


I believe he killed himself. It’s not difficult to imagine how this would come about.

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Wait, John McAfee couldn’t spell “terabytes”?


The last time McAfee did technical things terabytes were science fiction.


Terrabytes, it’s dirty data.

