John Oliver on Trump's plans for a second term

They will be until it turns on them in some way. That always happens, that supporters end up becoming targets of the regime. Fascists always end up eating their own.


Not quite. They turn on people that thought that they were some of “chosen ones.” Many cons, to include political grifts turn on convincing people that they are co-conspirators rather than marks. The thing that gets me about Trumpers is that Trump makes it very obvious that for him the “us versus them,” equation the “us” is “me.” Other than his brother he doesn’t seem to respect ANYBODY.

Project 2025 puts it right on their site what their plans are. I don’t personally know anyone who is for 9/10ths what they outline. It’s bad stuff.

I wish the low information voters could be made more aware of this.


Yes, but it’s no help that this might happen long after they’ve stood by clapping while all the other, less-desirable Americans are disposed of. By the time “they” come for this group, there won’t be anyone left to warn. This is probably the most important time in the fascism cycle to convert, educate and de-program Magats, before the head clown is anywhere near levers of power. If he gets in again, it’s way too late.

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The same kind of people who are all, “go back to your oppressive Jihadistan religioland if you don’t like it here in the land of the free because we don’t want your kind around here in our freedom-loving Christian nation where we are free to do whatever we want because we live in America” without a hint of irony.

I agree with your assessment they may not like it all that much in practice.


& going with what you’ve said, this is worth reposting every so often:


the complete destruction of the economy entailed in ■■■■■’s plans certainly will turn a few heads. the problem tends to be, people will still believe it was all the liberals fault. and they’ll all be checking under the bed for communists at night

it’s not clear to me what the average german view was of the nazi party halfway through the war. but that’d be the kind of future we’d be headed towards.


Anyone else reminded of this?

(…Also, what happened to that Onebox?)

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PNAC was about neoCons trying to shoehorn American-style democracy and neoliberal capitalism into countries and cultures that weren’t ready for or suited toward them. Project 2025 is about MAGAts ending liberal democracy in the U.S. They’re both horrible grand plans by conservatives, but that’s where the similarities end.


I’ve been quoting Martin Niemöller a worrying amount recently:

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me


As someone who spent nearly half his life living and working in autocracies of various flavors, I whole-heartedly agree with everything you’re saying.

The people supporting this are completely unprepared for the leopards coming to eat their faces, and have no clue that the gobbling will commence day one.


(Suspect this will be hit by others, but I can’t resist) A huge chunk of their plan is that *there will be no Democratic (or democratic) president ever again.


Martin Niemöller has entered the chat. You are not wrong, it is beyond comprehension for these folks that “they” would ever come for them. But fascism must have a “them” at all times, and as the obvious targets are eliminated, they just find others. Leopards eating faces and all.


Yes, I’m aware of that… :woman_shrugging: I’m simply pointing out that this will not give them what they want, which is something that doesn’t exist… Eventually, some or many of them will become the targets for lacking the proper “purity”…

Always… Of course, not too long after that, the US government pivoted to a hardline against communism…

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Tv Show Comedy GIF by HULU


It doesn’t take very long, either. Purges of supporters and enablers who either don’t fully conform to the party’s ideals or are trying to take power from the “right people” have to happen within a few years of taking power, to publically demonstrate that no-one is exempted from the demands of the regime and to frighten other supporters into knowing their place. This is what the Night of the Long Knives, a year and a half into the Nazi regime, was all about.

By the way, whether we’re talking about kapos or opponents of the Project 2025 regime, have no doubt that the lists of the intended victims are already drawn up. They’ve been working on this for four years.



I assume they’ll notice when they can no longer afford food, housing, or other things. Along with when products, food, and medication start to harm them regularly.

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i dunno. the redhat types i know would still blame Obama, the Clintons and, especially Biden, even after the obvious signs of collapse and exactly who (tRump) brought it about.


Not that any countries or cultures are actually suited for neoliberal capitalism. They survive it to the extent that it is constrained.


If I understand this kind of movement correctly this is when these changes are blamed on dissidents and that is used to seize assets and funnel them through prison camps for former citizens accused of political misbehavior.

But even if I didn’t, in the case of the US, the MAGA movement isn’t even pretending it intends to do otherwise.


Yeah. Here I just can’t get over how one party has had ABSOLUTE unilateral control for 40 years but somehow isn’t responsible for any of the state’s problems.

There really isn’t a democratic party in some places here because the kkk and whatnot ran them out back in the 60s and they never came back. I get it. It’s an ugly history. I think some people just can’t stand to see that history for what it is.

But at this point they are believing in a hallucinogenic Sodom and Gomorrah hovering over the freaking State capitol where the Republicans have held uncontested power for the majority of my lifetime and it doesn’t even seem to trigger a pause in the delusion.