Jon Stewart on the commercialization of Pride Month

Originally published at:


This used to be called “chasing the pink dollar”

It’s standard corporate behaviour of pretending to be whatever they think will get them sales, usually in such a way to offend what ever group they are are trying to court.

Because, you know, actually consulting with people from said subculture is apparently too difficult


They’ve gotten better at it over the decades, but still back down in a heartbeat when some bigot somewhere squeals in protest about being offended.

It doesn’t help when fascist state governments outlaw DEI departments in public universities & scream about it every chance they get.

Speaking of fascist State governments, this should scare the shit out of everyone remotely sane…


What a company says seems like a pretty worthless direct expression of what it believes; but, for the same reason, a potentially interesting indirect indicator: the whole point of cynical pandering is to tell the relevant part of the audience what you think it would serve your interests to have them hear from you, which implies no commitment at all to the truth of what you say; but a great deal of interest in who makes up the audience worth courting and what it is they want to hear.

Irrelevant if you are hoping they are going to do something beyond the bare minimum required for signaling purposes; but their choice of what signaling to do is likely driven by a very sincere desire to say the most advantageous thing.

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Target did, over last year’s debacle in several of their stores.

There are quite a few queer owned, queer operated merchants that would absolutely appreciate your consumer dollars, and I can list several of them if desired.

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Every holiday-themed display, every barbecue sale, every big display for every sports event is hollow bulllshit designed to sell as much product as possible.
Don’t expect corporations to care.

I will still take every little bit of representation, though, because if seeing a rainbow flag in a display makes one kid feel safe even just for a day, it’s worth it.

I’d rather live in the world where we are considered worthy of making money from than the one where we are ignored.


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