Judge liquidates Alex Jones' assets—except Infowars

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/15/judge-liquidates-alex-jones-assets-except-infowars.html


If his scam machine of hate lies and woo-woo pills is allowed to keep running, every last dime it generates should go straight into a bank account for the bereaved Sandy Hook parents. In fact, a legal disclaimer to that effect should be required at various intervals in the show for the edification of his idiot marks.


I appreciate that the families would get more money by leaving Infowars as a going concern, but it would make the financial settlement for them dependent on Alex Jones continuing to hawk his hate, lies and bro-goop. Wouldn’t that make them complicit in the harm that he does to society?


I think that’s the idea, much as I’m loathe to give AJ a mouthpiece. Ironic that his main product is worthless without this garbage human at the helm, but it does delight me to know that profit from every prepper bucket and shady supplement gets skimmed right to victims… and he knows it, too.

I hope there’s court-appointed accountants watching very closely.


I’d personally prefer that the whole toxic dumpster fire be shut down, but I’m neither the judge nor a beneficiary.


:+1: .


… if that were true, what would be Jones’s motivation to keep doing it?

I don’t see an endgame where Infowars still exists but somehow doesn’t benefit him :confused:


I don’t see that in the CNN article. The pulled quote is from an unrelated bankruptcy law professor. The article also has this:

The families argued to the court that there is “no prospect” the Jones’ company could produce a proper reorganization plan under a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which would allow the company to remain operational through its restructuring.


the Sandy Hook families are hoping to seize Jones’ social media accounts, arguing they are a key part of his Infowars business that allow Jones to promote his brand.

That reads as if the families want it shut down, and any other way for Jones to communicate too.


There’s a legal system for the mega-rich that works to make sure they and their assets are protected, no matter what, and a legal system for everyone else.


Yeah, the flip side of infowars continuing operations is that it gives Jones time and resources to get out from under the debt to the SH families by finding a sympathetic judge to reverse the ruling somehow.


He’s already got a way to wheeze out of even this obligation. He’s stopped pimping his Infowars-branded garbage supplements and instead is shilling for his dad’s garbage supplement company, which he claims is not a sponsor and that he has absolutely nothing to do with it, but also claims to his audience is a way to support his show without giving money to “the globalists”. So he’s earning undisclosed money on the side in an attempt at evading payments to his victims. Time will tell if the judge catches on to this little scheme.


I wonder though if this will bite him in the ass, since he hid a lot of his personal funds by giving them to family members and opened them up to the financial auditors. If this supplement company used funds from AJ, then it becomes subject to seizure and liquidation as well.


This judgment could be viewed as a partial victory for Jones, who fought the liquidation proposal – but so too did some families, whose attorneys said they’ll benefit more from the bankruptcy plan’s dismissal




Infoblargs should’ve been the first thing liquidated, not the last, as it was his thirst for views that drove him to spew the lies that got us where they are today.


Put them on an anvil, and it’ll be sorted out.



“The Sandy Hook families don’t owe anyone anything, and if you object to them profiting from what Jones sells that’s a you problem, and God Bless America.”

“Happy to share with the rest of the world!” :scream:

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Alex Jones is going to be doing his thing, with or without Infowars. If they sell it, he’ll start something new. Legally they can’t stop him from speaking (i.e. continuing to tell lies) on some platform. Sure, if he was forced to start over, Jones would lose some portion of his audience in the move, and his fortunes would be diminished (especially while he rebuild his empire) but on the other hand, who would want Infowars? Someone very much like Jones, with similar content but without the name recognition. Which would potentially mean selling Infowars would just compound the problem rather than reducing it - some Jones wannabe would be out there elevating their profile by taking over the brand, while Jones would be creating a second Infowars.


Infowars needs to be given to Knowledge Fight.


I imagine that if the court liquidated Infowars all the intellectual property (copyrights and trademarks) would be given to the families and they would be able to bury it – take down the website, take down the videos and then do something with the Infowars brand to stop anyone else using it.