Judge liquidates Alex Jones' assets—except Infowars

I should have thought that the judgement against Alex Jones was intended as a punishment, and ought not to lead to him staying in post in his well-paid media job.


In which case Jones just moves on to a new platform, and the families are out the money they need to deal with the situation he put them in…

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AJ handled this by having his dad (smartest boy in Texas, CIA dentist, AJ’s first sponsor, HR manager at Infowars and a bircher) start ‘Dr. Jones’ Naturals’. AJ is only selling his remaining stock.


Debtors’ prisons always seemed like a crazy idea to me, but Jones would make a good poster boy for reviving them…

Profiting from the person continuing the same pattern of behavior that made your lives a living hell beyond loosing a child to another school shooting in a country notorious for shootings. I only hope you enjoy sharing with the next group of people he will eventually torment, then the cycle can continue for the rest of his miserable life. Certainly not my problem because I don’t life in their horrible country, so just feel sorry for everyone else that gets to suffer so these people receive more recompense for their suffering. Just remember, you don’t owe anyone else anything so ignore the consequences of your action with impiety if you have been wronged by someone in society.



Chris Farley Idk GIF

Other than that America is a “horrible country”… :woman_shrugging: Well, aren’t they kind of all…


I agree with you. Punishing Alex Jones economically and compensating those he harmed makes it less likely that he can stay on the air and acts to reduce the likelihood of others like him from behaving similarly.

That is what you meant, right?


Absolutely certain no one typically enjoys any aspect of having their child murdered even if it opens the possibility of legal compensation after years of targeted harassment and victim blaming.


Are you trying to make the Sandy Hook parents look bad for taking this asshat"s money? That’s a really interesting take on this situation…


… you know the plaintiffs are not reading these comments, right :thinking:


This is similar to the Clearview AI case, in which the argument is being made to keep the business going that was built on deception because more money would be generated that way than from liquidation. Literally too big to fail.


‘Most important person in the world’ is what AJ calls Tucker Carlson.

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Let them Knowledge Fight?


My understanding is that while the company won’t be liquidated, he’ll have to sell his 25% ownership shares. I’m not sure what the company is worth much without him, and he’s unlikely to continue to provide content for it. I’m guessing that it’s going to end up liquidated eventually.


Alex has already been liquidating himself. green-grin

I like how Fucker Carlson and Russell Brand were subtly crapped on in the CNN article.

Infowars is a toxic waste dump but in such a small corner of the Internet, I don’t really mind so much it continuing to grift funds from its shitty fans for as long as it’s able. I’d also be happy for the only thing remaining for Alex to be pounding rocks to make up the balance of legal fees.

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And who would buy it? Without Alex Jones the value approaches zero. (I say this as someone who sells companies for a living. I recently sold LA Magazine.)


Whatever the decision, the usual logic of capitalism should be the last consideration here. This is an assessment between the very real and lasting harms Infowars did to a group of individuals and the very real and on-going harms it does to society. Jones needs to face consequences for both, but money is just a token in this case.


Yeah, I’d also like to see Infowars set a significant precedent for the all of the other grifters promoting hate and disinformation in the media. Shut it all down and get the victims their compensation. I’m looking forward to the Smartmatic case even as all of this looks like chipping away at the problem from the edges.