July 4, 2030: Opening of the Trump Presidential Library

A library named after a man who cannot even read. How ironic.


I believe all his rhetoric about the deep state was because he wasn’t allowed to surround himself with obedient toadies.


It’s not just the Secret Service. One second after the bell rings, the kitchen will stop sending food to his room. Somebody in maintenance flips the circuit breaker in the basement and the power to his TV cuts out. IT changes the wifi password and makes sure his cell phone can’t get past whatever firewall they have. The HVAC cuts off and he has to start living in his own funk.

Worst of all, the elevator is turned off and he has to take the stairs.


I always figured the “Trump Presidential Library” would consist of a few old Playboys and a stack of unread security briefings. Oh, and perhaps a couple takeout menus.

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I seem to recall speculation per Dubya’s Prexidential Library being a few old Batman comics. But at least Dubya knew how to fly a jet – and desert. (AWOL over 30 days ==> desertion.) Will Donny-Boy go AWOL from the WH? Beyond just golfing, I mean.

Why did they undercount his tweets in this article? There have had to be more than 50,000.

I think it’s dangerous to assume that they are uniformly united in that feeling. There is no end to the number of idiots that don’t care how his policies have affected them negatively. I know that extends into law enforcement, and it’s a reasonable assumption it spreads into the secret service.

I’m not assuming, there have been complaints from members of that group for years. Here are some of the reasons:


July 5, 2030
There was a fire at the Trump library today. Both books burned, and 45 hadn’t even finished coloring one of them.


“Complaints from members of that group” does not correspond to “uniformly united”. I’m saying they have some loyalists; you are claiming every secret service agent hates him. Clearly you’re wrong.

Ain’t going to it neither. Hell no!

Clearly you don’t need a broom to make sweeping statements.


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