Justice Stephen Breyer plans to retire from Supreme Court

Has he not gotten everything he wants with regards to pushing an ultraconservative agenda under Trump? His wife got a nice cushy job, he got to push in agenda in Congress and further line his pockets, he got tax cuts for his buddies, and he pushed the federal judicial system further right, which ensures that those of us who are not straight, white, cisgendered Christian men will continue to see our rights eroded. He would not even vote to convict on what was a clear attempt to overturn the 2020 election… MTG, Gaetz, etc, spouting off does not harm HIM in any material way, other than it gives him a foil to pretend like he’s a reasonable alternative, hence helping to keep him in power, as opposed to the “alternative” which he really pretty much agrees with.


Sounds like it’s been a pretty bitter series of victories for him. Not that he has even one iota of my sympathy.


Like this fine lady, she would be awesome & then some. You listening Biden Co…


Interesting donation pitch. It says Biden will fill the seat with a liberal (not just that he wants to) and doesn’t even try to suggest how donating money will change the situation.


i’m not so sure of that. she has not voted in such a way as to consistently please a majority of any of her fragmented constituencies which is something i would think she would have to do in order to pursue re-election. i also believe her actions are the result of deliberation. i don’t believe she is vacuous buffoon a la boebert or a malignant ignoramus like gaetz. it is possible i pay her more respect than she deserves.


Except, then she can’t become GA governor and then president…

I guess. He’s getting what he wants, though, which is a less free society ruled by the elite. He may hate Trump, but their goals are similar.


The reports that he was bristling at the idea of retirement baffled me

Seriously! He was making all the wrong noises. Meanwhile, Republicans were salivating at the prospect of a post-01/09/2023 Breyer death, and hyena-laughing at the concern of Democrats.

Now they need to find the right 30 year old whose parents both lived well into their 90s and hope against hope that the actuary tables kick in for another certain member of the court.

I’d say: throw in a Book of Boba Fett-style Bacta tank, for extra livelihood.

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It shows.



A couple days ago I noticed that my library had a section just dedicated to books written by Stacey Abrams. I don’t know where she finds the time!


She’ll never tell!


Whoa, that’s got some heat on it. I like it.


I mean, being president is her long term goal and has been for years!


She wrote her first novel while she was in law school. As someone who is currently in law school, I can’t even process that.

Anywho, I’d rather she continue on her current trajectory of Georgia governor, and a possible future Presidential run. A better choice for SCOTUS might be Ketanji Brown Jackson, who’s name is being thrown around by the pundits, for whatever that’s worth.


Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. FUUUUUUUCK. Has Moscow Mitch squealed that he won’t let Biden fill the seat, yet?

Much better for an 83-year-old justice to retire now than to wait and see who occupies the White House in another term or two. And if the Dems are going to get a nominee past the GOP obstructionists they’ll have much better odds doing so early in Biden’s term than later when Republicans have a better shot of running out the clock.


Not to mention that there’s zero margin in the senate, and many senators are… not young. Control of the senate could easily flip any day, even before the mid-terms.


i’m thinking someone might have said something like “steve, do you really want to be the next rbg?”

“what, you mean a great jurist?”

“no, i mean waited so long that death allowed trump to replace her.”


Or, who knows, maybe he just decided “I’m 83 fucking years old. Why shouldn’t I retire?”


Yeah I’m not sure why some people think this is a bad thing. Breyer should have retired on January 20, 2021. But now is better than after the midterms, since the media seems hell bent on ensuring the GOP regains a majority in the Senate.


But his Emails!

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