Kamala picks Tim Walz for VP, and Trump struggles with spelling

Sure, but they won’t do it, because Trump has chickened out, and Vance can’t upstage him…


This has been posted before but I’ll share it again because it’s a great contrast: the governor of Minnesota signs a bill to help kids get meals. The governor of Arkansas signs a bill relaxing child labor laws.


I surely will thoroughly enjoy seeing Trump become a 2-time reelection loser, and then get handed one loss in court after another. That he fully deserves and won’t be able to presidentially obfuscate his way out of.

Definitely and joyfully voting to make it so.


I agree with most of what you wrote, but this doesn’t add up. Do you really think there are voters who will vote for a Black woman for president but not if she chooses a not-straight-white-guy for a running mate? Or if they exist, that there are more than a few of them?

Arrested Development Tobias GIF


Thank you. I just screenshotted it and sent it (and @milliefink 's last post) back to a family member who’d sent me the following:
Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 12.21.46 PM

The power of media to warp minds cannot be understimated.


I wish it weren’t so, but I really do think so. There are some people who are open enough to vote for Harris, but at this still point need some reassurance that Harris doesn’t hate “people like them”. There may only be a few people who think this way, but in the swing states that Harris needs to win that could be more than enough to matter.

It’s not rational. But if people were fully rational, then Trump would never have been elected in the first place.


Poor kids! They look like casting rejects for Republican Midwich Cuckoos.


That would force Washington to rename a section of I-5 through Seattle to the “Purple Hazeway.”


He even had the shirt and tie to go with the event!


I disagree. In voting booths, there is no such thing as “a little bit racist.”


It’s not just the difference in excitement…if you’re signing a bill to relax child labor laws, maybe don’t have kids so young they look like they worked in the mills and mines back in the day. Some 14-15 year olds would have been a better choice from a publicity point of view. But they really don’t understand any of the process of politics, just the part where they get money and power.




Reasonable people can disagree. : )
I do think it’s the case that, in voting booths, people actually can be, and often are, partially racist and/or homophobic and/or bigoted and/or sexist. It effectively translates into comfort levels. People can be okay with going forward in little steps, not bigger ones.

That discomfort level then gets consciously rationalized into more consciously palatable reasons. I.e. “I’m just not sure about that VP’s executive experience.” or “I just can’t vote for them because of that minor thing they said on Twitter 9 years ago.”

In any case, very happy about this pick.


And the signing was at Paisley Park, right where it should’ve been. :heart_eyes_cat:


That’s how some people like to think of it, if they contemplate it at all; but that’s a subconscious lie they tell to themselves so that they can go on thinking of themselves as “good and decent.”

Gross but apt metaphor:

If a baker doesn’t notice and “only” a little tiny bit of feces falls into a cake mix as they’re baking, that’s still a shit cake.


For sure, agree.


I hadn’t heard much about this guy until now, but he sounds remarkable (as opposed to weird). Warm, caring, likeable, progressive and effective. I’m relieved that the choice is made and it looks like even more reason for hope.


I kinda liked Walz, but I also liked Kelly, and the guy from Tennessee, and even Shapiro was good, his missteps with being too uncritical with Netanyahu something I didn’t see as set in stone.

Oh, no doubt! He’s both a guy I could see stepping in if some catastrophe should take President Harris away from us, but also someone with the chops to do the “out of the limelight” stuff like VP Harris did.

In fact, I see a sort of energy there that could make him the perfect foil to Kamala like Joe was to Barack. The guy who can speak bluntly, letting Kamala be more diplomatic and above the fray.

That circles back to my first response to you. One of the reasons I am proud to support Democrats is that they work hard at being good at the job of actually governing.

And hey, if everything goes right, maybe we can see a President Walz in 2033?


He gives off real Paul Wellstone energy: “I came here to kick butt and chew bubblegum. And I brought enough gum for everyone!”


I’m only drawing from memory here since I can’t find the quote or even a source but when Senator Wellstone was alive I heard that he said a sad thing about the U.S. is that when a person is poor no one wants to help them but when a person is wealthy they’re given everything they need.

It was very moving to me and I was glad there was at least one person in Congress who understood it.


And guess what the GOP is suggesting about Harris NOT picking Shapiro…
