Kanye West's presidential campaign was run by GOP

It’s got to be all sorts of grand business plans in Moscow and St. Petersburg, to dangle in front of him like a baby rattle. Oh, along with all the Putin/oligarch money laundering that’s going on. While he’s doing that, Vlad will slip in a little aside “Oh, and Donald, you don’t have a problem with us taking a piece of Syria, no? Our boy Erdogan was fine with it. And those Kurds really are the liberal Democrats of the Middle East-- and they’re terrorists. Plus, you’ll be a hero at home for bringing your troops home.”

What’s nuts is: while Trump is “winging it” doing whatever he’s doing out of earshot of any of his diplomatic corps, you know that, on the Russian side (before and after) there was a fucking team of KGB/FSB/State officials minutely going over exactly how/what Putin would pitch to Trump. They probably broke out the vodka and caviar after every summit.


Good points. I think, historically, people had similar obsessions and devotions to royalty, while royalty was quite often a non-merit based system of choosing leadership. It’d be nice to think that, as the species got more clever, people on average would make smarter decisions. But here we are in 2021 drinking bleach, fearing masks and being unafraid of plagues.

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“He is a jackass,”
B. Obama


cough Oedipus cough



This is a party that routinely shouts “but Lincoln”. Tries to solve their demographic problem by debuting a new Uncle Tom every 6 months, when they acknowledge it at all. And genuinely believes that minorities don’t support them because Democrats bribe them with the Social Safety Net. So they destroy that Social Safety Net.

“Vote Kanye” is perfectly in keeping with their view of the world. That’s why we all knew exactly what this was.

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