Kavanaugh faces gang rape claims. Third woman “witness and victim” to be revealed, Avenatti says

“I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their ‘turn’ with a girl inside the room,” she said in the statement. "These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh."


The fucking cajones on this guy…


One thing I will never understand is how any woman with a shred of self-respect would vote for one of these privileged white Boomer male GOP candidates.


But they can’t seem to come up with all those records of his time as a judge that Dems asked for.


I guess we’re all going to ignore that underage drinking is also totes illegal.


Wait…what? No no…I’ve seen Varsity Blues, it’s totally fine for teenagers to drink when football is involved.


As someone on Twitter noted, this further explains why they’ve refused to call Judge back from the beach house where he’s been hiding in order to testify at tomorrow’s hearing. At this point, I’m of the opinion that they all know, if not exactly, then at least in broad strokes the extent to which these two are implicated in sex crimes, and they’re desperate to steamroll over it as fast as possible before it gets any worse.


Don’t forget Gossip Girl. Totally fine to drink when underaged if you’re rich.


Annnnd the latest shoe has dropped. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/kavanaugh-nomination-trump-calls-nominee-an-absolute-gem-as-tensions-swirl-over-planned-hearing/2018/09/26/df224aea-c190-11e8-97a5-ab1e46bb3bc7_story.html?utm_term=.abfb41cd773a


The vote’s just one day after a hearing scrutinizing sexual misconduct allegations.

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“Evidence” is an objectively misogynist concept.

Funny. how you quote me and state something off a word that I did not use.

I kindly ask you not make assumptions about my statements or mindset. Feel free to comment, ask, or engage on what I say; but do not put words in my mouth.


I’m not saying people don’t try to play lawyers, just that political tricks tend to be different than law tricks.

That being said, it looks like those fake claims are very common and Avenatti is likely wise to them afterall.

Well she’s gone public and it looks like my fears were misplaced and she’s got a very credible story. Unfortunately Avenatti’s reputation is giving the GOP hacks an easy target as they’re ignoring her and just going after him.

if a “GOP hack” is somebody who ignores the accusers and just goes after Avenatti, …


There’s a critical difference, I was doubtful about the accusation because I was doubtful of Avenatti and it was entirely Avenatti’s word we were going on. I was focusing on the strongest part of the claim and found it lacking.

Now that she’s come forward the GOP hacks are focusing on Avenatti because he’s an easier target than the victim. But their criticism is dishonest since now that we have an actual victim Avenatti’s reputation is irrelevant. She could be represented by a pathological liar and it wouldn’t matter since we no longer have to take his word, we can take hers.

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