Keeping it light -- what TV shows do you find unwatchable?

I have a sister that is mentally stuck somewhere in the 5 - 8 range. I also help babysit my nieces, kids we’ve watched over the years, my step brother. I know your pain.

Dora, barney, spoungebob…

But yea that bald little annoying brat. Canada can you take the little shit back? You already gave us beiber and nickleback.

As for not liking Buffy and Dr Who? Eh to each their own. I’m a fan of the new series on as opposed to the older material, to some that is a crime against nature.


Buffy’s a tough show for me to recommend to people, because while I personally think it’s one of the best-written TV shows of the past 20 years, a lot of its richness and complexity comes from deep familiarity with the characters. Basically, to get to the ‘good stuff’ you have to slog through a terrible first season and just-okay second season. Skipping right to the award-winning episodes won’t have the emotional weight from having watched all that came before. So – brilliant show, but likely better to have enjoyed while it was on.


Sorry, finders keepers.

We’re not taking Ted Cruz, and while Conrad Black can stick around, he’s not getting his citizenship back.


i’d recommend Six Feet Under if for no other reason that its series finale. Great show and fantastic ending.

Caillou can go blow a moose.


I feel the same way about Louie. It’s brilliant work, but it makes me deeply uncomfortable.


I didn’t like it at first, but it’s a lot cuter than I expected. It grew on me a little. I probably won’t re-watch the whole thing, because if I really think about it Ted is kind of a man baby.


“because if I really think about it Ted is kind of a man baby.”

Well, yes. He is the most unlikable person in the show. Neil Patrick Harris has flair, but he was a serious antihero.

The love and affection between Allison hannigan and Marshmallow is what did it for me. Colby was great, but used as a foil more often than a main character.

Oh, and again, I am straight as an arrow, but dayum.


The show was about him,* and he was the drippiest character on the show. He wasn’t the hero because Lily and Marshall (as a couple) were the hero. He wasn’t the villain because there was no villain. He wasn’t the antihero because Barney was not only the antihero, he was the scenery-chewing breakout character. Instead, Ted was the completely unsympathetic drippy tagalong character that we grudgingly have to put up with.

*actually it was about his kids’ mother, but pfft, who cares about her, amirite?

I felt sorry for her character. She was maybe a notch above a supporting character but not quite a main character. She didn’t have much chemistry with the rest of the group, and unless I’m reading this wrong, wasn’t really treated like an equal. She was basically only there to be the occasional fallback love interest of Ted and Barney.


My wife and I really despise reality TV, but a few weeks ago Netflix here in the US added Canada’s Worst Driver to the “Recently Added” and “You Also Might Like” categories. We gave it a try because my wife was working on a project at work involving bad drivers and we thought okay, we’ll suffer through this, it might make for some interesting research material for her.

We binged the entirety of season 8 in one evening (poor Kevin.) It was simultaneously horrifying and hilarious and I honestly think I’ve improved as a driver from watching that show and learning some techniques.

I’ve seen bits here and there and I like what I’ve seen but I’m in no rush to start watching from the beginning.

Okay, back on topic…

I could not stand Everybody Loves Raymond. The only person on that show I would ever watch in anything else was Peter Boyle and he was the first cast member to die. This is a problem because my in-laws love The Middle. Every so often while we’re visiting I’ll have to wander off to the kitchen and read the newspaper for half an hour.

Also, I can’t be the only person who thinks that every single character on Modern Family is completely unlikable, am I?


OMFG that show. It’s so very very bad.

Others: Mash. I’m a veteran and I can’t stand it. Bores me to tears. Also, everything @LearnedCoward said, with the exception of Fallon (meh) and Gilmore Girls (never bothered).

Ridiculous exception: The Magicians (from SyFy, but watched on Netflix). I would absolutely punch Quentin Coldwater in the face, repeatedly, for who he is, but other than that, I enjoy it.


FOX News. And yes! It IS a TV show.


That’s a green light if I ever heard one!


“. Instead, Ted was the completely unsympathetic drippy tagalong character that we grudgingly have to put up with.”

Yes!! Though I believe since the arc of the show started with the end, even though Ted was derp tastic, it felt like a good narrative.

Season six sucked. Christine Milioti was perfect.


I haven’t seen much of it, but it looks like the family dynamic in that show was kinda abusive. I think I’ll pass.

Back to Modern Family we go…

  • Al Bundy is the super-Boomer. Financially successful, built this whole family, remarried someone much younger and infinitely hotter than him, and is never wrong. Um, no thanks.
  • Sofia Vergara is just there as eye candy and the occasional funny line. Sometimes her character even intends the line to be funny. Maybe there’s supposed to be something deeper to her, like strength of character, but I don’t see it.
  • I like Manny. He reminds me of me, at my most proudly dorkiest. But sometimes, I think he should give it a rest.
  • Mitchell and Cam are just gay stereotypes. There is potential for a real dynamic to emerge between the two, but it keeps getting swamped by the stereotypicalness.
  • Their daughter is just a bitch, and this time I mean that word in its most negative sense. Pure unfiltered dickishness and no redeeming qualities.
  • Phil and Luke are fun too. ADHD poster children. Screw-ups, but lovable (to me) screw-ups.
  • Claire is supposed to be a motivated energetic Type A personality but instead just annoying. Or maybe it’s me who doesn’t like that whole personality type.
  • Phil and Claire’s two teenage daughters are bimbos, even the supposedly smart one.

We were in Miami the first week of January and saw it on US Netflix! We emailed him while he was in New Zealand to tell him only to find out that everyone had already sent him this:

This season, season 12, if you can find it, is the most infuriating one of all time. Literally the worst person to walk the planet. Its amazing.


Re: Canada’s worst driver

Right? I think the appeal for me is that I have a friend that should have been on the US version of it, had it lasted more than a season. There are so many stories like he got into an accident on the way to traffic safety school, and showed up in basically a totalled car that still moved.


The only thing I don’t get about the show is if its ironically named.
How “Modern” can it be…? When none of the women work? (And I count Cam as a “woman” in this tally)


It was very anachronistic. It was set in some sort of parallel-universe version of the Korean War that was actually the Vietnam war. That was hard for me to get my head around. The interactions between the characters are also a bit weird. Other than that, I don’t hate the show. I just find it weird on a few different levels.


As do I, even though I really shouldn’t. He is both a stereotypical gay man and a stereotypical woman (how does that work :confused: ) so I guess for the purposes of the show he counts as a woman.