Kellyanne Conyway quitting the White House; George Conway quitting The Lincoln Project

I’m trying to decide if Kellyanne’s face would be more or less terrifying if her eyeballs were replaced with oversized buttons.


Ooh, here’s an interesting development. Former RNC chairman Michael Steele is stepping up to join the Lincoln Project just as George Conway is stepping down.

Obviously the bar is set pretty low right now but Steele has seemed like one of the least-awful prominent Republicans around for a while now. I recently caught an episode of KCRW’s Left, Right & Center political panel show and Steele was the guy speaking up for the “right” that week taking the place of regular contributor and perpetual fascism apologist Rich Lowry. It was a confusing experience because Steele basically said “you guys are right, this Trump stuff is racist bullshit.”


Maybe @beschizza would give us a compare and contrast?

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I meant their personal lives, given the hellscape for the average American, NOT RICH AND PADDED lives most families are living.

…and, frankly, it isn’t like there aren’t more ready to step up at every displacement…


Kids in my State are all attending remotely

As Churchill said “If Hitler had invaded Hell I would have had something to say in Commons for the Devil.”

Fair point. The family drama angle seems sad, but wouldn’t really draw my attention either.
But I’m glad Kellyanne is stepping down. And you’re right that there will always be others willing to fill that role, I just hope they won’t be quite as “good” at it.


The problem with the picture is the subject appears less reptilian than it really is.

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The rats are deserting the sinking shit.

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