Sorry. Couldn’t resist.
Not that it invalidates your point at all, but Kim Davis is actually a Democrat.
Have you read anything about her lawyers - the Liberty Counsel, an anti-gay litigation machine that’s technically a non-porofit christian ministry? Slate did a piece about them
They sound like terrible lawyers in terms of serving what I would consider to be their client’s self-interest, but rather optimized for aiding, abetting, and profiting off of their client’s lawlessness. It’s an interesting question of whether she chose lawyers on the basis of their willingness to turn this into a christian persecution media circus, or whether the lawyers found her and encouraged her to behave in a way that benefits their agenda
I’m not actually sure that Saul’s Greek was good enough to draw this conclusion reliably. I’m afraid I prefer the simple explanation that he successfuly hijacked the new religion and tried to make it follow his own ideas, as has happened several times since (Dante in the Inferno clearly regards Mohammed as having forked Christianity, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons basically did just that, with added books in the case of the Mormons. That’s without considering the mainstream forks like the various Orthodox churches and Lutheranism).
I would so like to see Jesus’ gallery at DeviantArt.
If we had known that History was a limited resource, we could have rationed it more wisely and eked it out for longer.
You’re not familiar with Jack chick tracts? You got to see the D&D one:
Anyone, evangelicals used to hand these out… It’s been a while since I’ve seen anyone doing so, the only exception being a family handing them out a couple of years ago in a park here.
What will us historians do in the knowledge-mines once the history is all dug up???
Sadly, these are the parts of Kentucky that are still fighting the LAST civil rights movement, in which Democrats were (initially) propping up Dixie. So, Democrat in this area means something very different than it does to people who have updated their politics in the intervening 60 years.
in nacogdoches, a town where the number of baptist churches runs neck and neck with the number of liquor stores and bars, a town where i lived when i went to college in the 80s, you would find these tracks on restroom sinks in the bars and on payphones. i never witnessed a delivery but saw them all the time.
With Mormons it goes way beyond that. Joseph Smith was a rampant retconner, and he’d take ideas from any old place and incorporate them. cf: Mormon Temple Ceremonies & Masonic Lodge Ceremonies.
If she was already pregnant, Leviticus would tell her to die along with the man she married third. But I guess following that rule isn’t part of her religious beliefs. I wonder if anyone’s told the judge about this passage.
Time to start MAKING history!
Is that what Marx meant about changing things? That philosopher’s only interpreted the world, when the point is to change it?
I’ve never seen anyone handing them out, but in my hometown you can still find them planted in public libraries and such.
Sheol: The boringest place under earth.
I knew of them, and this d&d one was one of the few i think i’d seen, but this was good timing to re-read this though, as I’ve been binging back episodes of Nerd Poker and have been fantatsizing about playing sime kind of collaborative-storytelling-with dice game with my daughter when she gets older. It seems like such a great way to get to know your kid, and how they think about stuff.
Anyway, that d&d one was my image of them, overblown, paranoid, but laughably campy (though I’m sure a lot of real and imaginitive kids suffered at the hands of their anti-d&d parents) but this anti-muslim was just so banal, arrogantly hypocritical and condescendingly gross that it made my blood boil.
And I’m still pissed that the got to before anyone else…
They all did the same. Mohammed added in a lot of material from various sources. When the Roman emperors adopted the Church, they basically incorporated as much of paganism as possible - which itself was a synthesised religion which adopted the gods of conquered peoples or identified them with Roman ones.
The difference with Smith is that he did it late enough on that the essentially fraudulent nature of his religion was apparently adequately reported at the time. It doesn’t stop people like Romney belonging to it, though.