Kickstarter for a hoodie with a built-in neck pillow

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Sleeping in a hoodie is great for muffling room noise and staying toasty. I fear with this, I’ll basically be unconscious all the time. Someone will need to wheel me from room to room between snoozes.


I don’t think I would end up buying one, but to be honest, this is one of those ideas I go: Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before…? Even if the “ballon part” fails one day, it’s still a hoody.
Ok, maybe I buy one just for flying.


Instant goiter!


Neck pillows with hoods on them are already a thing at airport kiosks. Next: onesies with neck pillows.

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Looks dangerous.

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Hoodie V.1.1 in Kickstarter will be with built-in neck pillow and retractable wheels… and a tray for a giant Slurpee.


Wheels should do fine until the hover chairs arrive. giphy-1


Oh. A decade later, someone decided to remake the Burton Sleeper Hoodie? (I have one, and it’s AMAZING.)

Does the Kickstarter come with the small zippered drug pocket, though?

Don’t forget to disarm it before opening a door.

Wait; am I in the right thread?

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I once had a neck injury and flew with a neck brace. Best. Thing. Ever. Because it supports the chin, which all these fail to do. On any flight, my head falls forward, not sideways.

If it had a Michelin Man mode like in Snow Crash…

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I still have my sleeper hoodie I got in high school. It’s so good for road trips.

Wait till you see version 2.0 with the nitrous oxide option.

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