Kids traumatized when horror film trailer is shown ahead of 'Peter Rabbit'


So how far down does the Peter Rabbit hole go?
Asking for a friend.


They could have chosen a more relevant trailer, like Watership Down…


That’s unfortunate. As a kid, I was literally traumatized after my parents took me to see a puppet play that was supposed to be Snow White or some similar easily digestible stuff but turned out to be some weird ghost story. I was so scared I slept with my head under the blanket for years that followed, certain that some weird ghost stuff was going on if I closed my eyes.


If you are asking about the film (and I sense it possible you may not be), do not go near it. The audience’s reaction to this horror trailer is nothing to what Beatrix Potter’s reaction would be if she were alive to see it and not already spinning in her grave. Apparently, from reviewers I trust, it seems to be an even worse travesty than the many perpetrated by Disney on what were otherwise sometimes rather less cuddly stories featuring potentially cute (Disneyfiable) animals.
To say nothing of the “it’s ok to show young kids how to attack someone who has a life-threatening allergy by throwing the very thing he is allergic to at him without showing the very real and horrific consequences” scene.
The best (limpest) excuse for seeing it that I heard from an adult was ‘the animation is supposed to be amazing, I want to see it’. As if we don’t have other amazing boundary-pushing animation readily available to us.


After I found out that Sodor was a fascist dictatorship I have had low expectations of how television and Hollywood see Cumbria.

I worry about what might happen to Postman Pat.


You can’t really have a believable forest fire in the Lake District. It’s more of a horizontal rain climate.

Obviously the horror film trailer was to make up for this absence.

  1. He is locked in a commercial battle with his courier nemesis
  2. Escalating shenanigans on both sides
  3. Ending with Pat’s brake lines being cut, but he survives the accident, heroically saves the post in the flaming wreck of a post office van and
  4. Goes postal

Some more horrifying thoughts about Thomas and Friends.

British nuclear submarines are built at Vickerstown on Walney Island. Walney Island does not exist in the Thomas stories, having been replaced by the far larger Sodor, but Vickerstown does exist as Vicarstown which is in exactly the same place.

The logical conclusion of this is that Sodor has nukes.


No, just the submarines. Submarine Sam - a charming tale of larks and fun in the daily lives of Sam the Sub, Fred the Ferry, Dan the Dredger, Tom the Tanker (and his sidekick Tim the Tug) and their port-bound friends, including Colin Crane).
(If it has not already been done, it will be AND I CLAIM MY RIGHT TO BE RECOGNISED AS ITS CREATOR!) :wink:
(There may be TtTE crossover, in the dockside railway tracks.)


As the father of an 8 year old the Peter Rabbit trailer fills me with dread.


Boaty McNukeface?


Sure, the kids will be fine. Eventually. In a couple days? Sure. In the next hour? Who knows.

If I was there with a little kid, I’d be plenty pissed off.

(I wouldn’t be gleeful.)


There were posters up in the subway a few months ago.

I think it’s come, gone and no one noticed.

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Not always… increasingly, fast food restaurants employ adults instead of teens - which is part of the reason for the $15 push.

Also, I have an aunt that works at a movie theater (as one of her two jobs).


Ari Aster?

I’ll just put this here

Saw that picture on the Redbox kiosk at the Safeway last night so indeed it has.

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I just remembered, his post office was closed down 15 years ago.

Now Pat is probably a courier himself, having no relationship with the villagers he delivers to as he is restricted by ever tighter deadlines imposed by a faceless bureaucrat sitting in an office in London.


And if he calls in sick it costs him £150 if he does not find a replacement that day, because he is no longer employed as a delivery driver, instead he’s being given the very special chance to become a self-made entrepreneur via a delivery franchise that enables him to dodge tax, be the master of his own destiny, and who knows, one day employ a team of drivers of his own. He can dream. Not that he needed dreams when he worked for the Post Office. Thank the gods who gave us neo-liberal economists that these people also gave us dreams. /s

Or else he’s dead, like ths guy: