Kindergarten and first grade football team holding a gun raffle

Originally published at:


There’s “done in poor taste”, and then there’s a gun raffle at a school. In America. In 2018.


Gun raffle? Whoa!

And I thought meat raffles were disquieting!

Updated: redacted for simplicity.


Common practice in rural US . There are probably more than 1000 schools doing something similar this year. Laws will be applied and most likely that item will sit on a shelf and collect dust. No one ever gives away or raffles off a really great gun.


By 1994 the area had deteriorated; a report published in The Independent on Sunday in April 1994 condemned the estate as a no-go area with a high level of crime. One resident was reported to have said “If you’ve got a problem in Raffles, get a shotgun”

Despite popular belief, Raffles Avenue was actually fairly safe. Shadygrove Road was the dangerous area of Raffles. I heard some horror stories from people who survived living there.


I’m selling tickets for mine.

No takers though.

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School Supplies!!!



I might ponder how much money a kindergarten and first grade football team would require. At that age I would expect a substantial proportion of the teams to spend much of the game time either wandering around in circles or staring dumbfoundedly. (Never mind the whole head-injury issue that might plague them if they continue along those lines as they get older.)


I thought they’d have to be at least 2nd grade to buy the gun for the raffle…


Even tyke-sized equipment is not cheap. I started playing ice hockey at age 5, and to my recollection, my gear was only marginally cheaper than the adult-sized gear. With the added twist, to my parents’ horror, of needing to be replaced annually due to my continued growth. Buying CCM Tacks annually is a path to bankruptcy.


Have a sex toy raffle for ages 21 and up to raise money for schools and watch folks throw a fit about it.

(my local bank used to give out guns for opening a new account, always felt a little ironic that the bank wasn’t worried about getting robbed)


My sister lived in Ohio for a few years. When she first moved down from Canada, she asked new friends about play dates for her kids. Someone said, “remember to confirm that all guns will be locked up.” She recalls thinking, “there are guns … in houses with young kids?” Safest thing in her mind was to become the locus of neighbourhood play.


Every time I think the U.S. could not disgust me any more than it already has, it doubles down.

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meat raffle

I thought that was just another term for Tinder.


It is a reasonable question to ask. And if you are in the sort of place where people tend to have guns, it is responsible to ask that question if your child is at someone’s house. And to expect to answer the question if another parent asks.
We always had a ritual of checking the safes and vault door anytime a child or teenager is expected to visit. Even though they are always kept locked.

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Wishing I’d thought of that.

The quip, not the “putting the Gun into Fundraising” malarkey.

Well, if the item is legal and people who have money and are willing to donate to the school for a chance to win it, I don’t really see a problem here. Back in PA where I grew up, we always had the Monday off after Thanksgiving from school so that kids could go hunting with their parents on the first day of hunting season. My family didn’t have hunters, but in a community where that is common, it was a great thing. Similarly, nothing wrong with this. And for many people, an AR-15 is a great hunting rifle given less recoil (although what game is legal depends on the caliber) so long as you use a legal magazine for hunting.