Ironically, many of the wealthy members of the ruling class in the audience at the coronation will be slathered with whale intestines and civet secretions
The Aristocrats!
Ironically, many of the wealthy members of the ruling class in the audience at the coronation will be slathered with whale intestines and civet secretions
The Aristocrats!
I mean, as long as it’s sufficiently impossible to acquire for the commons so as to be symbolic of the privileges of massive wealth, that’s fine.
Well, George W Bush’s pentecostal Attorney-General John Ashcroft had himself anointed with oil upon taking office (for governor, senator and AG). No mention of whale barf or civet poo, however, but in one memorable case it was Crisco as proper oil was not to be found.
To be clear here, that laundry list of expensive perfume ingredients are NOT what define chrism. They’re just examples of the sort of medieval conspicuous consumption that still characterizes British monarchy. Chrism made from more ordinary ingredients and blessed is commonly used in sacraments like baptism and christening every day.
edited to add: Really Charles’ attempt to be more “modern” are discordant to me. He’s more environmentally conscious, he wants to be “defender of the faiths” instead of “defender of the faith,” etc. which seems strange as the head of an institution (the monarchy) that is based of a medieval mindset.
Maybe “chism” oil is chrism oil lite? If so, will Charles III be the “non-arch”?
He believes in a form of conservative environmentalism, that the environment should be protected so that he can hunt animals for fun. This may not be the only reason, but I haven’t noticed him ever make any anti-hunting statements and apologising for his earlier actions.
But his precious royal privileges!!! /s
Honestly, I wish that we could have a more complex discussion on issues like environmentalism - because not everyone who advocates for it are progressive in their thinking… In addition to people like Charles, who are focusing on their own privilege in preserving the environment, there are also eco-fascists who use their engagement with environmentalism to further fascist goals… I guess it sort of reminds me of the differences between the fascist aligned Italian Futurists and the more land and soil types who supported the nazis…
Plot twist: this ritual actually is magical and was the only thing propping up the monarchy, so when the olive oil goes on, the ravens leave the Tower of London and the institution collapses at last!
I finished an apprenticeship in the print trade back in the 80’s.
Part of my “Banging Out” (an archaic ritual of finishing an apprenticeship, not a euphemism) involved being drenched with a mixture of printer’s ink, oil, all sorts of other watery gunk. Highly feckin’ unpleasant.
Chucky3 has it easy, IMO.
ETA: Oh, apart from the fact that I got a job at 18, rather than 73…
I just learned this because I tried to use CHISM as my Wordle starter word!
My grandfather was a union printer for for 50+ years – I had somehow never heard of this tradition (unless you are ex-US and it’s different?)
Very English - a hour or so of abuse, then drinks at the pub before you are considered a “journeyman” and can earn the “proper” wages.
ETA: This was an 80’s thing. Don’t think it exists now and it may well not have existed in your grandfather’s time. The 80’s was a bit of a shit time all round in the UK.
Um… yes:
Second twist: It wasn’t magic.The ravens just preferred hanging around the smell of whale intestines and civet poop, rather than the smell of olive oil and potpourri.
Congratulations Thom on absolutely nailing the Rob-style hilarious headline
I genuinely clicked in here thoroughly confident it was a @beschizza post/story.
The Bugle! Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in years, had no idea it was still on.
Oh yes. And after a bit of a crisis after John Olivier left, I think Andy found a formula that works surprisingly well. Every week he has different co-hosts, most of them regulars. There is flow, it still feels like old good, but new blood is refreshing as well. Much recommended
“This will also be in keeping with his image as an environmentalism (which is not exactly an image I typically associate with Charles, but whatever).”
And yes, he’s quite well known for his environmentalism.
Chrism oil is also still used for Catholic sacraments like confirmation, holy orders and baptism. I was going to add anointing of the sick (aka last rights) but apparently that uses pure olive oil. holy oils. According to the link, the scent for Catholic chrism is balsam, pine tree resin, not ambergris.