Korean plastic surgeon removes towering jars of excised jawbones after fine

Interesting - how is it described by Koreans/folks of other Asian backgrounds?

Hardly. Part of family is Asian, kids’re mixed, and they all look just fine to me.

There. That was simple.
You’re welcome. You can say, “Derp!” now.

That would be a pretty damn talented 5 year old.

Also looks painful! It’s not just the tip of her chin. Her whole lower face has an assymetry because her jaw is subluxed or completely dislocated on one side. Yowz!

My husband is just about as asymmetrical as the model is.
It doesn’t cause him any pain, but I will admit that he detests pictures of himself because he thinks he “looks like a giraffe.”


Um. Yeah. Giraffes are herbivores. They don’t chew like humans - they roll their lower jaw like cows do. And that is precisely what the giraffe in the pic is doing. They can do that because they don’t have teeth like carnivores. If your husband both looks and chews like a giraffe, you might want to call in a zoologist to identify his species.

A subluxed or dislocated jaw can cause an awful lot of pain and other problems. Gonna defer to the surgeon rather than the giraffe’s wife on this one, I’m afraid.

I can´t generalize about what an entire group of people think, but I´m sure you will have a hard time finding any Asians who will tell you “I´m having plastic surgery because I want to look like a caucasian person, because caucasian people are the most beautiful people on earth.”

Worst ‘Grimm’ episode EVER.

You’re also going to have a hard time finding any woman saying, I am buying x product because the media have taught me to loathe myself.
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.

When it comes to that kind of manipulation, we are all far more susceptible than we believe ourselves to be.

Also @AliceWeir, I sincerely promise you, my husband’s jaw does not hurt. The pain, as with many of the women and girls above, is purely psychological.

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I have no desire to make this into a dicussion about how “the media” magically eradicates autonomous thought.

who said anything about magic?

I should have added that I don’t find asymmetry necessarily unattractive, either. Just depends. An eyeball dangling off the end of one’s nose? Not so much. The kind of ‘craggy’ thing that comes with living? Well - it never seems to have done Bogey any harm… Or The Most Interesting Man in the World… or, once upon a time, Stacy Keach - and he has an obvious scar from a hairlip repair. Not everyone who looks pretty is interesting, and not everyone who looks interesting is pretty.

Here more before and after photos from Korea:

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