Kremlin Krazy: Marjorie Taylor Greene tweet is straight from Putin's propaganda playbook

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That’s Kremlin Krazy Kooky: Margory Taylor Greene Marc.

The extra K makes all the difference even in Russian: Клу-Клукс-Клан

The importance of influential Westerners repeating the Russian talking points is constantly underscored by the head of RT, Margarita Simonyan—who admits that her state-controlled network is running covert operations in the United States and other countries. She described RT’s efforts as the “empire of covert projects that is working with public opinion.”

Greene is now routinely showcased on the most popular programs as a prime example that the cracks in the GOP support for Ukraine are “good signals from Washington.” Solovyov and the guests on his show even touted Marjorie as a possible replacement for Russia’s perennial favorite, Donald Trump, as the next U.S. president—while acknowledging that the congresswoman is “somewhat funny.”

Greene’s latest hijinks have firmly cemented her status as one of Moscow’s most useful tools.


I had to look up Transcarpathia and what this very obscure request is all about. WTF does a Georgia Congressperson care about some Hungarian ethinic language issue?? Reading into the context of the region doesn’t really help answer it either.

Turns out it’s just more support for ultra-right wing/authoritarian dictators that are pro-Kremlin.

BUDAPEST, Jan 28 (Reuters) - Hungary’s far-right Our Homeland party would lay claim to a western region of Ukraine that is home to about 150,000 ethnic Hungarians if Ukraine loses its statehood due to Russia’s invasion, the party’s leader said late on Saturday.

“If this war ends up with Ukraine losing its statehood, because this is also on the cards, then as the only Hungarian party taking this position, let me signal that we lay claim to Transcarpathia,” he said, drawing applause from the crowd.

Hungary routinely uses its voice inside the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as a tool of political pressure against Ukraine in the context of Transcarpathia. In an interview with the Russian state news agency TASS, Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó addressed a question about Ukrainian membership prospects in NATO by declaring, “Ukraine needs to undertake a range of significant changes if it is serious about Euro-Atlantic integration” (TASS, January 19, 2022). In fact, Hungary has long blocked Ukraine’s integration into the North Atlantic Alliance because of a law that requires high school classes to be conducted in the Ukrainian language


She probably picked it up off an Tucker Carlson newsletter.


The ridiculousness of the position is akin to a Congressperson from Maine threatening to withhold border funding unless Mexican immigrants in Texas are allowed to speak Spanish in school.


So tired of this odious excuse for a human being.


Somewhere in the wilds of Georgia’s 14th district and beyond, MAGA people are muttering the word Transcarpathia and don’t know why.


She just got mixed up with the rest of her CD collection. When she starts stumping for Balkan-Turner Overdrive we’ll know what’s up.


So she’s suggesting that a country shouldn’t have an official language that everyone learns and uses?

She’s suggesting that minorities should have the right to be educated in their own native language?

Am I understanding that correctly?


Hey, now, don’t be dissing TSO by associating them with this piece of odious slime! No metalhead would be without them for the Xmas season! :grin:




I’m sort of surprised the “Trans” part didn’t cause her needle to skip to an anti-trans groove.


I wonder if she is actually on Putin’s payroll, or she wants to attack something she sees as done by Biden and Johnson. Or both.


I don’t imagine putin needs a payroll for foreign assets I suspect it’s all about the kompromat.

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