Kucinich is running for Ohio Governor, and he's promised to end fossil fuel extraction and sue Big Oil

I’d add that Kucinich is also on the advisory board of the Ron Paul Institute, putting him in fine company with crazypants libertarians.

In coming up with a Democratic analog of Trump, i.e. a candidate so bad I’d consider voting for a Mitt Romney instead, Kucinich is the first name to spring to my mind.

wait what :confused:

it’s our job to “let him” or not “let him” ? that’s our thing ?

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There are rich people in Lakewood, there are poor people in Lakewood, there are even some middle class people living in Lakewood. You must have driven through on Lake Road, where there are some drool-worthy mansions and high-class condos, and not seen the 75% of the city south of there.

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Kucinich was an effective congressman. The reason I consider him effective is because he served his constituents, not corporate/special interests. If you contacted his office with a problem or concern, he listened, he acted if possible, and explained why he couldn’t act if that was the case. Any congressperson who can do that, and is actually in their office in the district, talking to his constituents, on a regular basis, is someone who can get my vote.
I’ll take “works for constituents” over “gets bills passed” any time.


This info people have provided in this thread makes me sad. I had no idea that Kucinich had gone all Trumpy.

I knew he was friendly with Ron Paul, and considered that a credit to both men; they have major disagreements on policy, but they are both populists (and both disliked within their own parties).

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