LA county District Attorney office quits Twitter over its refusal to deal with "homophobic" posts targeting it

Originally published at: LA county District Attorney office quits Twitter over its refusal to deal with "homophobic" posts targeting it | Boing Boing


Billionaires are why we can’t have nice things.


The grimmest part is media, especially east coast newspapers, still pretending the politics involved are complex or enigmatic, and letting it all drag them to the right in pursuit of balance and favor.

Inertia and laziness (plus a certain measure of cowardice). The big corporate media outlets could easily spin up their own Mastodon instances or set up on some other ActivityPub enabled platform and lead instead of follow. As it is they’ll be amongst the last big brands to leave Elon’s Nazi bar.


Elite journalism – and the NYT in particular – has been rock hard for fascism since the '30s. No one is dragging them to the right – they’re the ones going out of their way to platform and promote dapper Nazis and bloodthirsty TERFs.


I’d say they’ve always been pro-establishment power. As said power has shifted right, so have they. They don’t seem to care who is in power, they just want to support power generally.


I’m not sure Twitter was ever really a “nice thing” but Billionaires have certainly made it worse.


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