LAPD handcuffs black actress for kissing white boyfriend

You’re on boingboing, and the person in question is a cop. Feel free to leap to judgment.


You speak as if the police in general have not completely exhausted any benefit of doubt. Time and time again they are shown to be corrupt , disgusting bullies and time and time again we are told that it’s just “a few bad apples” and time and time again such sentiments are proven wrong.


You should tell that to my neighbor… He’s a cop, and a very nice guy. Or to the cop that responded when I got assaulted, who went far out of his way to catch the guy who did it, and to help me out. Or several other cops who have intervened in my life for the better, even when I was the guilty party. Yes, I have met with and dealt with some bad apples, but in my experience they were just that… bad apples.

Cops are people, just like you or me. And like people some of them are terrible people (or just have circumstances in their lives that lead them that way, honestly), and most of them are decent folk just trying to get by the best that they can, and a few of them are wonderful, exceptional people… just like the rest of us.


What a wonderfully inclusive country we have created through the powers of democracy…ugh. I am ashamed of my homeland.

Then I’m sorry, but they should be working far harder to eliminate the bad apples from sullying their name. It’s happened far too many times to be accidental.


And just like you and me, they are 2 - 4 times more likely than the general population to commit domestic violence.

Oh, wait, that kind of makes them different from you and me.

You’ve clearly had more than a few good experiences with cops, and I’m genuinely glad for you.

This makes it sound like they chose law enforcement as a profession by throwing a dart at a board with a bunch of job names on it.

A cop has to be willing to use physical violence to compel obedience to his instructions. Some of them are demonstrably eager to do so.

A cop’s “daily carry” likely consists of at least three weapons, two restraining devices, and a Second Chance™ style bullet-resistant vest. There are two other members of the emergency services triad (Police, Fire, Ambulance) that are all about helping. Why did they choose the one that “requires” that kind of hardware?

We know that on the list of most dangerous jobs, theirs only makes the top 10 intermittently; that about half of those fatalities are traffic accidents; and that a taxi driver is only a little less likely than a cop to be killed on the job by felonious violence. But they seem to need MRAPs to be able to adequately do their job.

So, could we possibly have some members from the group above be more active and visible in policing the behavior of the group below? Because I sure don’t see much of that in the news.


Careful there, your apologist creds are showing :wink:


He’s probably white hispanic, 'coz you know that’s apparently a thing now…

And there is your fascism. What a horrible, pathetic joke.

It’s not like Hispanics can’t be racist too.


Have you asked them their opinions on Ferguson?


Welcome to Boing Boing! So glad you decided to sign up today to carry water for the fascist police state. How’s that working out for you?


In my experience rarely, and never in public.

Yeah. I wonder why the “white” stays there, when it doesn’t with other ethnicities, like Irish, or Italian? (Hispanic/Latino not being a race, etc.)

My sister introduced me to the term ‘splainin’. It’s a lot more general purpose.


Right, sort of like it’s not like Irish or Italian Americans can’t be racist too.

Maybe when issues around The Border die down, and politicians no longer see an advantage in scapegoating Hispanics/Latinos, they’ll join the great simply-white race too. Especially if they look “white.” After all, it was labor competition that also caused discrimination against immigrants from Ireland and Italy back in the day.

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This is a big deal. I have a friend who, after 9/11 was repeatedly harassed because she looked “middle-eastern.” Her immediately family all look “white” and had no problems. A lot of the time racism occurs in the context of just seeing people on street, so it is actually literally about the colour of your skin, not who your parents or grandparents are.

Also, for all the cop apologists here, did you notice this, posted three hours later:

Yeah, it’s just a few bad apples who have an organized intelligence network to steal cash from people.

There’s always an excuse. Someone called it in, someone didn’t give their ID, whatever. People who always have an excuse are people who are always doing something wrong.


Some people think it’s just a good way to live in general. Try it, you might like it.


I know you’re joking, but I do genetic genealogy, and just the other day someone was actually surprised that their ancestry was approximately 50% European (mostly Iberian) and 50% Native. She honestly thought she’d get 100% “Mexican”.

Meanwhile, I’ve seen Mexican citizens with nearly 100% Iberian European. Class prejudice is world-wide…or to put it more charitably: like tends to like.


With all this talk about whether or not it’s legal to refuse to show your ID in California, I think we’re missing an important point here. It’s IS illegal to solicit a prostitute in California. So why was the dude not handcuffed? He showed his ID but that hardly proves he’s not a john, does it? If they weren’t willing to believe she was his girlfriend just on his word, how does his ID help him? And if they don’t share a last name or an address (do they live together? I don’t know) then her ID doesn’t prove anything either.

If there’s really no racist or sexist component to this, both parties should have been cuffed. Or in a reasonable world, politely asked to move along.


If you aren’t being detained and a cop asks for your ID ask them for theirs. Protip: only attempt this stunt while white and male.