and idiots. i went to a trade show event in their club. i enjoy electronic music and attractive women but they managed to incorporate both in such a way that i enjoyed neither so i decided to for once, actually gamble and budgeted a decent amount for someone at a convention of people who understand math. i walked away from the 25/spin roulette table up 4 figures because they were being dicks.
i flat out said to the cage manager when getting PAIDDDD hey buddy, you count cards in blackjack not spins in roulette, your dumbass friend just make a few grand in losses walk his ass back to the flamingo with their shitty attitudes when they probably could have just brought me some grasshoppers and let the law of large numbers catch up with me.
how can you work in a fucking hospitality space and not realize that the guy in mom jeans, short sleeved collared shirt and sporting a casio has hella disposable income and should be welcomed not shamed.
(and yes, i was tipping)