Late Stage GOP Fascists Events ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿพ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿคก (Part 3)

I read the article and watched not only the embedded video but also drone footage of the โ€˜neighborhoodโ€™ of identical homes chock-a-block next to each other with no distinguishing characteristics. As far as I can tell, they may provide the flags, but there are no lights to illuminate the flags, so โ€“ speaking from experience โ€“ Iโ€™ll bet you that nobody will take their flag down every dusk as the Flag Code requires.

Performative white nationalism, suburban style.


One hopes that the gay wedding decision bites them in the ass.


Each 1776 community (Fankhauser plans on more) will also donate a home with no mortgage, free of cost, to a wounded veteran through the nonprofit Building Homes for Heroes.

Iโ€™m sure that will go over really well with those veterans! :roll_eyes: How much say will they have in any of the community policies, after getting a home for free (assuming they wonโ€™t have to pay HOA fees)? If they complain they might end up having to be the enforcers of the code.

American Flag America GIF


David Leatherwood:" I spent the last 7 years of my life working with Trump to make the GOP a more welcoming place for gays WHILE ALSO being anti-groomer, anti-woke and pro-religious libertyโ€ฆ"
HahahHAHAHAhahaโ€ฆ you seriously thought backing up their genocidal rhetoric demonising people like you would mean theyโ€™d spare you?
โ€œOne of the Good Onesโ€ is still โ€œOne of Them,โ€ you dumb-fuck Quisling.
If they ever really get their way, the only difference between you and everyone else sent to the camps is that youโ€™d deserve it.


(AP reprint)

Iโ€™m sure old conservatives like itโ€ฆ up until they have to drive more than a hour each day to get a medical specialist because the anti choicers & anti vaxxer brigade sacred off many young doctors from moving into their areas (I also wish them good luck finding transport to get to the doctor if they canโ€™t drive to those areas), constant power outages because of both more frequent extreme weather and poor planning and less access to state government help and clean drinking water because of lack of funding because the yeehadis ultimately dictate how businesses are run in the state that actually scares said businesses off instead of higher corporate tax rates.

But hey, they pay a few bucks less to fill up their car and theyโ€™re able plant a grass yard deep into the desert am I right people?


Yeah, the FO stage for folks who swear they want less government and more independence tends to be ugly. Itโ€™s even worse for those incapable of admitting that they made a mistake.


The injunction came in response to a lawsuit brought by Republican attorneys general in Louisiana and Missouri, who alleged that U.S. government officials went too far in efforts to encourage social media companies to address posts they worried could contribute to vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic or upend elections.

includes a whole host of agencies who are no longer allowed to communicate with any social media tech companies.


I really dislike the false equivalence in this article. Ex-cop was afraid to fly his blue lives matter flag. If he did, people might call him racist or be rude to him or ostracize him. Perhaps a bit of vandalism of the flag. Queer couple was afraid to fly abortion rights flag because they probably had reasonable concerns their home would be set on fire, someone would shoot a gun into their home, or they would be physically assaulted.

These are not the same.


Except that government job and pension. Which is much more generous than other government workers- and allows you to retire at 50.

The dude sucked at the government nipple his whole life and will continue to do so for decades in retirement. Which blue state liberals are paying for.


On balance, they feel more comfortable in a more conservative place. โ€œHere, the tax dollars naturally goes to the citizens, not the immigrants,โ€ said Tim Kohl.


adult humans being so willfully ignorant is painful


I trust this is going to be the standard now. Every shooter โ€“ assuming they kill enough to make the news, since thereโ€™s some competition for that โ€“ is going to be trans at first, another right-wing cis man once the truth gets its boots on and people have moved onto the next example. :angry:


Theyโ€™ll also still continue using this to attack trans people despite the truth.


just keep showing us what you really are (or aspire to be): fascist shitheads, the lot.



Well that sounds like great news for all of the old people who swarmed the state


The jokeโ€™s on Tim. Tax burden is significantly higher in Idaho than California for median income earners.