Late Stage GOP Fascists Events 🖕🏾🍊🤡 (Part 3)


At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas; 26 private jet flights, plus an additional eight by helicopter; a dozen VIP passes to professional and college sporting events, typically perched in the skybox; two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica; and one standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club overlooking the Atlantic coast.

Ummm. Uhhhh… drain the swamp :man_shrugging:


I would like to point out that perhaps a judge that in a ruling refers to the story of the garden of Eden as an historical anecdote needs education on more than just religious liberty… Also, fuck this guy

“It’s hard to see how Southwest could have violated the notice requirement more. Take these modified historical and movie anecdotes. After God told Adam, ‘[Y]ou must not eat from the tree [in the middle of the garden],’ imagine Adam telling God, ‘I do not eat from the tree in the middle of the garden’ – while an apple core rests at his feet. Or where Gandalf bellows, ‘You shall not pass,’ the Balrog muses, ‘I do not pass,’ while strolling past Gandalf on the Bridge”


There isn’t really much of Jesus’s teachings (that is the wandering rabbi Yeshua Ben Yosef ) which we can be reasonably confident about. But I’d wager fuck the romans and more particularly fuck the Jewish collaborationist state and all its servants would be pretty much number one. A corollary of this would be fuck the rich very, very much.

Oh and a revival to an imagined first temple Judaism through the lens of the Targum probably.

In other words I don’t think the teachings of Jesus have an awful lot to do with anything that most people are interested in now. Most of Western Christianity is more based on Paul who never met Jesus and had fierce disagreements about what it was with everyone who did. So maybe those evangelists who pull their version of the teachings of Jesus which contradict his reported words right out of their own arses are actually kind of in keeping with the spirit of Christianity as it historically developed. The humpty dumptyness of it being just what I say it is, no more, no less”.


Kellogg’s has actually been acting the opposite of those claims and they made a very harsh 180 with one of their campaigns because they were worried about folks thirst trapping for Tony way too hard


That would be pretty ironic considering the inventor of corn flakes and his commitment to the abstinence movement.


Stephen Miller…

devil satan GIF

That explains it all.


Oh boy, conservatives thought it’s a brilliant idea to pick a fight with nerd youtube.


Birds of a feather wear tinfoil hats together


Thirty. Eight. Vacations.

Thirty eight.

I’ve been on two vacations in my whole life. Cape Cod for 6 days with my parents in 1980, and Turks and Caicos for a week in 2008.

Thirty eight vacations. Fuck this guy.

ETA that the foregoing is inaccurate. I’ve been trying with all my might to forget about vacation #3, a Carnival Cruise with my wife’s family. I’d almost managed to banish it from my mind, but now Clarence Thomas has made me remember and I hate his bad faith originalist ass even more for that.


Voting against one’s economic interests.

Chris Mudd is the hands-on founder and CEO. He checked in with the crew, made a point of thanking the homeowner for her business and then took a moment to reflect on Midwest Solar’s swift progress.

“Our first 12 months I think we averaged three or four systems a month. … It was tough. Today, we are doing 15-20 systems a month,” Mudd says. “We lost money the first year we were in business and we’re going to make money our second year. I think that’s good. Starting a business from scratch is very difficult.”

Yes, he says, some of the credit goes to President Joe Biden’s clean energy initiatives – particularly tax incentives for solar systems.

“Absolutely,” Mudd says. “There are lots of grants available to business owners. The tax credit is at that 30%. Absolutely.”

But Mudd is a lifelong Republican, would prefer that tax credit money instead be spent on a border wall and is rooting for a Donald Trump comeback – beginning here in Iowa – to make that happen.



Racist sues politician and lawyer/politician over accusations about a racist juneteeth party for firefighters. Proceeds to remind everyone about said racist party

Nicholas Nicosia, the East Avenue resident who was alleged to have co-hosted a racist party last summer with on-duty Rochester firefighters as guests, has filed a defamation lawsuit against the lawyer for the Black firefighter who brought those claims as well as one of the firefighter’s prominent local defenders.

The lawsuit accuses Nate McMurray, the attorney, and Rachel Barnhart, a Monroe County legislator, of defaming Nicosia by helping label him publicly as a racist.

Since being named as hosts of the party in Jerrod Jones’ lawsuit against the city of Rochester, Nicosia claims to have lost about a third of his dental business, to have been targeted with hate mail and death threats and to have been unfairly been labeled as a racist.

The lawsuit, filed this week in state Supreme Court, makes good on a promise from Nicosia’s former attorney, Corey Hogan, who stood beside him and his wife, Mary Znidarsic, at a bumpy press conference last August.

Hogan has since had his New York law license suspended. Nicosia is now represented by Mike Allen, a Connecticut attorney who specializes in the representation of ‘cancel culture’ victims.


More and more folks letting us know who they really are.




At least it was “they” and not “we.” I guess that’s better?


Maybe they are worried the FBI is watching them for Jan 6 actions.

I wish a reporter had asked that guy if he would vote for Pence. :laughing:

Also, saying Pence was oblivious to something is really redundant.


Needless to say, the fascists won’t care. They will blame the kid or their parents. As for me?

Angry Jon Bernthal GIF by NETFLIX


Hey, I don’t think any of these bikers know gay people (reddit source)