Late Stage GOP Fascists Events 🖕🏾🍊🤡 (Part 3)

Christ, what an asswipe.


The Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations — or Gov Ops for short — is empowered to seize “any document or system of record” from anyone who works in or with state and local government during its investigations. The rule applies to contractors, subcontractors, and any other non-state entity “receiving, directly and indirectly, public funds,” including charities and state universities.

Moreover, Gov Ops staff will be authorized to enter “any building or facility” owned or leased by a state or non-state entity without a judicial warrant. This includes the private residences of subcontractors and contractors who run businesses out of their homes, lawmakers say.

Alarmingly, public employees under investigation will be required to keep all communication and requests “confidential.” They cannot alert their supervisor of the investigation nor consult with legal counsel. Violating this rule “shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal,” the law reads. Those who refuse to cooperate face jail time and fines of up to $1,000. In the event that Gov Ops searches a person’s home, these rules mean that the person 1) must keep the entry a secret, 2) cannot seek outside help (unless necessary for fulfilling the request, the law says), and 3) could face criminal charges if Gov Ops deems them uncooperative.

That certainly sounds illegal.


What Does the Fourth Amendment Mean? | United States Courts.


That sounds illegal as all hell!


Spotted this while watching the usual daily train crash called twitter

At the start of the video he talked about Matt showing um… videos on the house floor.

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If only there were video evidence of him saying and doing some of that heinous shit.

Oh, never mind. :confounded:



There are layers and layers of illegal conduct just in the grey box you posted!
Any information? Even HIPAA or FERPA? Both of those are very strict on who can get information and why. What about the state level laws for medical information, social security numbers, child abuse records? I only know Texas laws- but child abuse records, for instance, can only be released to certain people under very specific circumstances. Any other release is a crime

And denying someone legal counsel. Like @KathyPartdeux said, hello Bill of Rights.

Searching any private business or home (!!!) without a warrant?!

Cue a tsunami of retirement for government employees who can, exodus of the others, and no contracts at all. The entire state won’t be able to hire pretty much anyone competent, especially outside legal counsel.

I feel bad for the state employees and contractors trying to do their jobs. But they need to GTFO.


at first i was wondering if it was a simple power grab… but there are “reasons”

For example, Gov Ops launched an inquiry into diversity training programs at the University of North Carolina earlier this year.


Under the new budget, “lawmakers responding to public records requests will have no obligation to share any drafts or materials that guided their redistricting decisions.”


Another provision allows North Carolina lawmakers to exempt themselves from public records requests… Legislators can now decide to “retain, destroy, sell, loan, or otherwise dispose of’’ their documents

hopefully they get sued asap


The main clown has shown up to the circus tent

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Ramaswamy campaign blames protesters for hitting car in Iowa. Police say that’s not true.


Ever watch The Three Stooges where Curly says “I’d radder dey boin me at de stake dan chop off my head!”? Then Moe says “why?” And then Curly says, brilliantly and with so much confidence “because a hot stake [steak] is better ‘n’ a’ cold chop!”

That’s the “choice” Dems are being offered.
Oh… wait, was that a serious question?
I am kinda too depressed to parse if the Dems even have a choice. Or figure out if we’re being serious. I laugh to keep from crying.

Performative hate on a plate.
Or! Performative hate in a bowl!
… or something…

hugh laurie facepalm GIF

ETA: depressing AF words
ETA2: grammar
ETA3: nyuck nyuck nyuck

Three Stooges Comedian GIF


Three Stooges GIF by Alissandra

Good choice of gif there (House, The House, heh heh).

Happy Season 2 GIF by The Good Place


In a bill concerning domestic violence, lawmakers changed the definition of “abuse or neglect” to be instances where a “caretaker” inflicts pain or deprives an adult of necessary services.

As a result, instances of self-neglect no longer fall under the purview of the Tennessee Department of Human Services’ Adult Protective Services.

“I’ve seen people in horrible hoarding situations, you know, we see some of the shows on TV that involve hoarding, and you are literally talking about areas that could catch fire at any time,” said Mary Griffin, Davidson County Assistant District Attorney.

Griffin specializes in prosecuting cases involving elderly and vulnerable adults and has seen people living in complete disarray.

“You can’t find a path through to find the person. They may or may not have deceased animals; there may no longer be water, electricity, you know, basic services,” Griffin explained. “The person may or may not have had a bath for four months.”


‘Horrible hoarding situations’

Dang, for a second there I thought someone was helping billionaires with their pathological wealth obsession.


In this first episode of our new miniseries, We Don’t Talk About Leonard, ProPublica reporters Andrea Bernstein, Andy Kroll, and Ilya Marritz investigate the background of the man who has played a critical role in the conservative takeover of America’s courts — Leonard Leo. From his humble roots in middle class New Jersey, to a mansion in Maine where last year he hosted a fabulous party on the eve of the Supreme Court decision to tank “Roe.”

there’s two episodes so far. the second episode gets into the state supreme courts and the funneling of select state cases towards the supreme court.

i find the background music overly loud and distracting, other than that though it’s pretty good


A summary of the WaPo take:

  1. This is terrrible, even MAGA cult members would agree.
  2. It’s really bad but hardly unique. Remember when he exposed our nuclear capability in Turkey? Ha, ha, ha- gosh that was only so-so.
  3. How bad is it really? I mean, Australia is an ally after all.
  4. Hilary Clinton might have kept some e-mails in a sub-optimal way.
  5. Eh, he should probably explain himself at some point.
    If he has time.
    But we know he’s busy running for president n’ stuff.
  6. Fuck it, it’s fine.*

*borrowed without permission from Olivia Rodrigo.


from the piece:

It’s not even so much the specific information alleged in the ABC report; it’s what it and other evidence betrays about the pattern of Trump’s conduct

ya, think!? :exploding_head: i’m glad the writer finally figured that out. now let’s talk about ■■■■■’s history of sexual assault


Conservatives angry at themselves about a lie they believed being debunked by themselves