This shit is proving to be successful for them. Hospitals are already removing trans related information from their websites. Will hospitals even be willing to provide gender affirming care if this keeps up?
“ The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees free speech, and the degree to which incitement is protected speech is determined by the imminent lawless action test introduced by the 1969 Supreme Court decision in the case Brandenburg v. Ohio . The court ruled that incitement of events in the indefinite future was protected, but encouragement of “imminent” illegal acts was not protected.”
He may very well have some criminal legal problems. And civil ones.
I would hope so. This shit should certainly be illegal.
And a reminder how quickly things can escalate…
The thing I don’t get is that Tucker Carlson’s name and face are also public. Not to encourage violence against him, but I’m surprised that him trying his best to get people killed doesn’t. The thing where some of these fascists can’t get a meal without getting yelled at seems like it should have been a given to me…you shouldn’t be able to start a fight without being in one.
I don’t encourage violence against him either, but I do want to see him fall.
where “get” unfortunately means “kill”
Is something that should make the likes of Tucker think twice about what they’re doing - Because eventually there will come a point when the stochastic terrorism gets bad enough some of their targets are going to stop yelling and start responding in kind.
Do you want The Troubles, Tucker? Because that’s how you get The fucking Troubles.
HINT: Only loony idiots want that, and high-profile people right in the midst of the issue all the violence and hate is being stirred up around reeeeally do not want The Troubles.
Let’s just say that if Carlson gets acute appendicitis in Nashville, the admitting team is going to double- and triple-check his insurance information…
Your movement to eliminate trans people attracted fascists…
I think he does.
He should know better, but the realization of cause and effect probably passed him by.
November 8, 2018:
They need to cool it with the meth for a bit
I’m not sure how this would qualify as a hate crime.
“Under the Bias-Related Crime Act of 1989 (D.C. Official Code § 22-3700 et. seq.), to qualify as a hate or bias-related crime in the District of Columbia, an incident must meet the standards for a “bias-related crime:”
“Bias-related crime”…demonstrates an accused’s prejudice based on the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family responsibility, homelessness, physical disability, matriculation, or political affiliation of a victim of the subject designated act.”
Were they protesting his voter registration status?
Tucker Carlson: There Aren’t ‘That Many’ Hate Crimes, So ‘They Have to Make Them Up’
We know their character by the friends they keep.
I didn’t know backpfiefengesicht was a protected class!
He and his ilk seriously think that only they have the will to fight, and we will roll over like beaten dogs. Ain’t gonna happen, Tuck. You will be down a whole shitload of goons before this is done.