Late Stage GOP Fascists Events 🖕🏾🍊🤡 (Part 4)

Pilip, a 44-year-old mother of seven serving as a Nassau County legislator, is a registered Democrat but has won two local elections running as a Republican.

So, not so much a Democrat as a “Democrat.” I sincerely hope the people who were victimized by Santos’ candidacy do not fall for another fraud.


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Is Hitler getting royalties?

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Maybe Franco?


Bombshell from CNN. Let’s connect the dots:

In the last days of his presidency, Trump personally ordered a super-sensitive classified binder of intelligence—about Russia interfering in the election on his behalf—to be delivered to him.

On his way out the door, Trump absconded with boxes of classified material.

The binder contained raw intelligence on Russian agents, including sources and methods. It was never returned. It is still missing.

This… this… person? TFG? this is who is beating Biden at the polls?

Tom Delonge Wtf GIF

ETA: fixed sloppy blockquote


Wildly off topic, but no. First of all, the copyright ran out on December 31, 2015. Second, the copyright was held by the Free State of Bavaria since 1948.
The Bavarian state seized what was left of Hitler’s estate after the court conducting a denazification procedure (per the Allied Control Council’s directive #38) found Hitler to be a
“Major Offender”. Making him subject to immediate arrest, death, imprisonment with or without hard labor, plus a list of lesser sanctions.
Bavaria had dibs because Hitler’s last official address had still been Munich at his time of death. The fucker never bothered with re-registering his address with the registration office in Berlin. Needless to say, an administrative offence that should have resulted in an administrative fine.
Bavaria used their ownership of the copyright to “Mein Kampf” to prevent new editions wherever this was possible.


the polls are rarely predictive this far out. ■■■■■ will (likely) win the primaries, beyond that? he didn’t win the popular vote either time… so it’ll probably be down to a few particular states. if his age, and health let him get that far


He found new rubes to milk


Hey, I’m open to anything that opens wallets!




Trump statements on ‘mass deportations,’ rooting out ‘vermin’ on the left make many likely Iowa GOP caucusgoers say they’re more likely to support him

As always, they’re snowflakes trembling with fear of supposedly encroaching Others, and hoping a big mean Daddy will protect them.


The immigrant I wish had been deported was his mother. His dad was awful, but it takes two awful people to create someone like TFG.


I think the real worry here is that if he’s even on the ballot, certain right-wing governors may overrule the will of the people, declare that the orange clown and lesser Republican candidates actually won despite the votes, and send in a slate of electors to ensure that he wins. If the Supremes decide their bread is better buttered with a despot, particularly since they may otherwise face a bicameral D majority deciding to flood the courts with more liberal justices, reducing their individual power, or even face impeachment with a significant chance of losing their cushy job and facing public shame at their immorality and corruption coming to light, they may well rule that this is fine.


TW: sexual assault

The Sarasota police department is investigating the woman’s accusation that Ziegler raped her at her apartment in October. Police documents say the Zieglers and the woman had planned a sexual threesome that day, but Bridget Ziegler was unable to make it. The accuser says Christian Ziegler arrived anyway and assaulted her.

Christian Ziegler has not been charged with a crime and says he is innocent, contending the encounter was consensual.

The accusation also has caused turmoil for Bridget Ziegler, an elected member of the Sarasota school board, though she is not accused of any crime. On Tuesday the board voted to ask her to resign. She refused.

The couple have been outspoken opponents of LGBTQ+ rights, and their relationship with another woman has sparked criticism and accusations of hypocrisy.


Trump calling his critics ‘vermin’ is disqualifying. His fascist behavior is the design, not the flaw.



Friendly reminder that fascism hates communism, socialism AND capitalism