Late Stage GOP Fascists Events 🖕🏾🍊🤡 (Part 4)

So - it will look like Timothy McVeigh?


Maybe. He’s mentioned in the first paragraph I quoted.

I wish more than ever now that Tromp would just stroke out, or that his heart would finally succumb to all that KFC, steak, and hamberders.


Speaking of that asshole…


But lobbying for any for-profit industry is still all well & good, right?

angry eric cartman GIF by South Park


Wut? Are you saying that’s something worth watching, or…?


Saw it live the first time. No desire to relive.


I have not seen it, but it’s about the OKC bombing and McVeigh and what led up to it. In my experience such docs usually have a 50/50 chance of getting it right…


Here’s an example that mentions extremists:

It reminds me of the MAGA supporters who promoted “Greater Idaho.” :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


“It’s is our duty to protect the Nazis’ right to free speech and association, as long as it does not infringe on someone else’s rights – as long as they are not harming someone else,” Libby said.

Except the only thing Nazis, neo or not, are interested in is infringing upon the rights of others. That is their entire existence.
I find the phrasing she used telling. It was “protect the Nazis’ right to free speech” not “protect the right to free speech for everyone, including Nazis.”

Your fascism is showing Rep. Libby. Might want to remember you are supposed to keep that part quiet

Also, this bill doesn’t stop protests or rallies, or even hanging out in their little Nazi summer camp. Just paramilitary activity like training to use firearms and explosives and violent tactics. This isn’t an imposition on free speech, the right to free association, or even gun possession. It’s an imposition on violence.

The bill prohibits someone from “intentionally or knowingly” teaching someone about firearms or bombs if the training is intended to be used to commit “civil disorder.”

It also prohibits gathering with others to be trained in techniques to cause civil disorder, which is defined as “any public disturbance involving an act of violence by a group … that causes an immediate danger of injury to another person or damage to the property of another person.”

Edit to add: this bill could potentially be used for abusing nonviolent speech, depending on the definitions of “civil disturbance” and “violence.” And how they are applied. That’s a valid criticism and should be explored. But framing opposition to protect Nazis is just disgusting.


So if ISIS were to establish a firearm training camp or an Al Qaeda flight school near her, she’d be similarly supportive?


Of course not. See, those people would be mostly brown. So what they would be doing isn’t like the Nazis engaging their free speech (doing the exact same things) but terrorism. Afterall, the Nazis are mostly white.

I sincerely wish you and I were joking. But, as we all know, if this bill has been prompted by the same rumors and actions of any group that wasn’t primarily white, most of the GOP would have been all for iit


Excited Lets Go GIF

Yeah… but that’s literally how these people think.

Frustrated Parks And Recreation GIF


Imagine the kind of neckbeard who would rant online about the themes in Life Is Strange while also working on it’s sequel :roll_eyes:

Early last year, while working on the next entry in the Life Is Strange franchise, a few developers at Deck Nine stumbled upon something that didn’t belong in their game: Nazi symbols.

Initially, developers noticed a reference to the number 88, and flagged the issue to their bosses assuming it was an innocent mistake. But in the ensuing weeks, others found more problematic signs and in-universe labels, such as references to a racist meme, the number 18, and the Hagal rune. As the number of possible hate symbols mounted, staff grew increasingly concerned that someone was putting these items in their game deliberately as a dog whistle to white supremacists.

Nazi imagery would be inappropriate in most games, but in a Life Is Strange title the dissonance was especially frightening. Since its inception, the series has been lauded for thoughtful portrayals of marginalized individuals. Its most recent entry, Life Is Strange: True Colors, won Games for Impact at The Game Awards in 2021 and a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Video Game. With such a reputation, developers tell me, there was an expectation that any whiff of hate speech would be immediately removed and thoroughly investigated.


Always a good opportunity to re-post this…




Yep… it also shows that law enforcement is STILL not taking threats from right wing, white supremacist, bigoted terrorists seriously. They are still treating them like “lone wolves” rather than examining the network of terror currently aimed at the LGBQT+ community and POC primarily. And they’ll all wring their hands when there is another bombing like OKC - “how could we see something like this coming?!?” WE ALL SAW IT COMING, DIPSHITS!!! And you refused to DO SOMETHING about them!!!

Marc Maron Rage GIF by IFC