Late Stage GOP Fascists Events ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿพ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿคก (Part 4)

The president, of course, with his new SCOTUS-granted super-powers.


Good thing Biden still works out! :muscle:


note, that congress gets sworn in before the president. if a new dem congress sees a harris administration being denied by the supreme court - there are much safer routes than ignoring the separation of powers and having biden become dictator for a day.


thats a relief GIF by SYFY


Such as?

Impeachment isnโ€™t quick and takes a supermajority of the Senate to convict and remove - not happening.

Any legislation they enact could be struck down as quickly as the election is overturned.

So it would require expansion of the court to make the 6-3 fascist majority a minority. OK, so itโ€™s a race between lawyers and legislators. If SCOTUS wants, they can win that race.

So the only way to delay SCOTUS so that Congress can keep up is for the Executive to block SCOTUS from operating, such as defunding the Court and preventing them from hearing cases. Iโ€™m not sure what the difference is between that and what Iโ€™m suggestingโ€ฆ


Oh man, this is a seesaw I never saw coming!

Scared Chewing Gum GIF


Not civil war like 1864, but more like the Troubles in Ireland. Still bloodshed.


Again, maybe, maybe not.

What is SCOTUS going to do when he shuts them down, points to his explicit mandate in Article II for defense of the Constitution, then holds their own words in front of them; specifically:

When the President exercises such author- ity, Congress cannot act on, and courts cannot examine, the Presi- dentโ€™s actions.

From Trump v. United States?

This is what I keep coming back to, in regards to why that decision was incredibly stupid (beyond presidential immunity) in that itโ€™s recursive. It creates a situation where the court rules itself to be unable to review core constitutional actions of a president.

I mean, Biden essentially has โ€œdiplomatic immunityโ€ for anything in Article II for the remainder of his presidency. He canโ€™t even be questioned.


Does โ€œcrypticallyโ€ mean the opposite of what it used to mean?


It doesnโ€™t seem hard to decipher.


Not hard at all, but that Hill piece doesnโ€™t spell it out either.

Trumpโ€™s remarks point to the need for both parties to get their most fervent supporters to the polls in what is expected to a close election that may be determined by turnout.

The need for both parties to do that? No. Shit no, man!

What would it take for the media to call this spade what he is, and the FASCIST, NAZI shit that heโ€™s shoveling too? :weary:


Soon the rest of the Trumpsplainers will be in the media to tell us what he really meant. :rage:


Oh, the base will hate that! Showing empathy for POC!


Apparently, heโ€™s a chameleon. He changes his opinions based upon the other person in the exchange.

@Mindysan33, Iโ€™m convinced that they โ€™ll just call if fake.



Duh, SCOTUS calls upon their lord and master, Trump, to raise up his Militia and overthrow the illegal government trying to shut them down, amplified by the mass media owned by billionaires who think that this is a great idea. /s

This doesnโ€™t appear to be so much about law and who has the right to do something, but about political and social power, and the desire of some very powerful people to install someone they think (falsely) will make them even more powerful and richer. They are helped along by the MAGA 5th column and the foreign powers who are willing to blow a few billion rubles/yuan/riyals/petrodollars just to make the US fail.

And yes, Iโ€™m oversimplifying and painting in broad strokes, but with one side screaming at the top of their lungs that they want a civil war, Iโ€™m not sure they wonโ€™t get it, at least as far as โ€œTroublesโ€ type, and with the US military likely unable to be deployed domestically due to the Posse Comitatus Act, it seems that a corrupted SCOTUS might well force the issue if challenged by the Executive. I hope not, but it doesnโ€™t seem like much of a step beyond what theyโ€™ve already done (cf. Bush v Gore & Citizens United & etc.)


Apparently, heโ€™s a chameleon. He changes his opinions based upon the other person in the exchange.

Iโ€™ve heard many times now that people hate and mistrust Vance, and that a big reason is because heโ€™s so nakedly opportunistic.


Samuel L Jackson Point GIF by The Academy Awards

True, but isnโ€™t that an asset in MAGA-land?


Thereโ€™s a lot of explicit power in the federal government, especially the executive branch.

Thatโ€™s why I led with other facets of the federal government, such as the DOJ, Homeland Security, etc. Those groups are (unfortunately IMO) highly militarized in their equipment and training and way overmatch Meal Team Six. Thereโ€™s also the National Guard, which while they nominally report to state governors, that chain of command can legally be re-routed into the US Military and to POTUS.