Lawsuit against Jerry Falwell Jr. says his pool boy has a “cache of compromising photos"

I’m sure this has already been discussed somewhere else but I can’t figure out whether or not that description on the photo is tongue in cheek or a legitimate failure to come up with a legitimate excuse for having a drink. Like why not just say “It’s coca cola” or whatever


Otherwise known as “Bible Humpers”


“Granda had access to plenty of material that could have been deeply damaging to Falwell Jr. in the eyes of the evangelical community,”

Not necessarily. I don’t deny the existence of EV’s who are genuinely repulsed by “immoral” conduct.
Yet so often under the hand-wringing is a vein of obsessive prurience that loves it. It’s the guy at the office who explodes upon finding a pornographic photo, then indignantly waves it under everyone else’s nose saying, “Look at this! Can you believe it?” It’s the campaigner who condemns pedophiles then describes their crimes in clinical detail. Calling people hypocrites implies that they are aware of their two-facedness. I’m not sure these EV’s are conscious of their strong attraction to the very things they decry. Certainly they’d never admit to envying the evildoers, but often that’s what it looks like.


Read that in my grandmother’s Japanese accented voice thankyouverymuch…

Time for some brain bleach!


“I promise that’s just black water in my glass”
Does anyone actually believe that sort of blatant lie?
Nobody is that stupid, surely?


Is he drinking the water from his swamp / toilet / poorly maintained pool?

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Me, too. And to my surprise it was pretty much note perfect in terms of educating me those days. Like, maybe not a final destination but a helluva good starting point.


I would pay the pool boy to not release those pic anywhere I am likely to see them.

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