Lawsuit: homophobic Hawaii cop arrested women for kissing in public

I’ve been trying to see that ever since university film studies. Who’s hoarding that film?!

I mean, I was able to view Salo and Nacht und Neibel, but could never get my hands on Johnny Guitar.


Have you tried surfing with the locals?


At this point, what I’m most shocked by is that municipal human resource and risk management departments across the US aren’t having a collective aneurysm anticipating the day when their town will be revealed to have the next Officer Sociopath on payroll.

May the jury be ever in your favor, ladies.


They always know how dirty you are.

Wait, I am uptight for not minding PDA while you do apparently mind it? And I can’t read because I took you seriously when you said All Joking Aside?

I am not attacking you. But if you are trying to say something different than PDA annoys you then it isn’t the fault of the reader that they are confused.


"Can we all get along?
What the world needs now…

And to think straight men used to pay good money to watch two women kiss.

What’s this world coming to when a straight male is more interested in being Mr. Tough Guy than in letting his mind wander while he watches two women kiss?

Make Love, Not War.


I’m not a PDA fan either but maybe if I become a police officer I can force people to not offend me and act according to my standards of propriety.

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Hey Haole! Whatchu doin here, brah?

I know, right? I mean, two women kissing?!? GROSS. And worse, they did it in a public place where I could see it happening? OH THE HUMANITY!!!


Hawaii Five-Hell No.


Real nice tourism industry you got there, Hawaii. Be a real shame if something were to happen to it.


Wow, the potential list of defendants in the lawsuit is going to be huge. I can’t imagine helping a cop out who’s harassing people over kissing. Foodland and employees will be paying a fortune.


Wander where? Into thoughts of a threesome with them? If so, ugh.

Here’s hoping that two conventionally attractive women can express affection for each other in public some day without having to be aware that some straight guy might be watching, wishing he could join in.


Seriously, what the hell are we (gay folks) supposed to do? I go out with my husband of 8 years and still in 2015 have to feel afraid to be comfortable with each other in public? I grew up in a shit town that was notorious for a string of police beating-arrests outside nightclubs throughout the 80s and 90s. How the fuck is that shit still happening today?

Send every gay (and straight) person to that grocery store to make out like it’s the last days of Rome.


I’m saddened that the Foodland employees didn’t exercise their rights to a little civil disobedience. “Sorry, Officer FUBAR, get your own zipties.” Or conversely, “Sorry, Officer, I don’t have any idea where the zipties might be blink-blink.”


I was thinking more like Saudia Arabia.

Looks like you picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Not a troll, just making a joke about how PDA is annoying. Obviously they don’t really deserve to be punched. Guess I forgot to use the sarcasm font.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?


It doesn’t cost the city or the PD much to have an officer locked up. But to be on the losing end of a lawsuit… well, that’s a different matter.

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