Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/09/14/lawyer-lin-wood-fires-up-qnuts-tells-them-to-go-to-war-after-anti-vaxxer-dies-of-covid-in-hospital.html
The only “medical murder” here is by craven fools like Lin Wood that are pushing disinformation on the vaccine and healthcare which is directly leading to hundreds of preventable deaths every damn day
Next up, he’ll be suing bakers who make monkey bread because the desert doesn’t contain any monkey in it.
Next you’ll tell me there is no bear in a bear claw.
or Danes in a Danish
He obviously isn’t really trying to communicate with the hospital, because he won’t listen when the operator tries to tell him he’s just talking to the operator. And who sets up a camera for a real call? It’s all just a performance. He’s getting a thrill out of trying to whip up a mob. And the qnuts love being a mob. I think most of them are so disconnected from reality that to them it’s all just a big audience participation circus.
Lawyer Lin Wood
I don’t think you can call him a “lawyer” any longer, didn’t he have his law license revoked? Not that it matters to nazi domestic white terrorists, they don’t give a shit about little things like that.
Lin Wood still has a law license [technically], he refused to have an mental health evaluation, sued the governing body, lost that law suite, and is now facing disbarment. My question is, who in the hell is carrying his E&O insurance or does he even have it??? [E&O is errors and omissions insurance]
“We’re fresh out of Ivermectin, how about some Hydroxychoroquine? We also have a new blood-letting facility, or perhaps you’d like this ‘oil of snake’ we recently purchased from a mustachioed man in a covered wagon?”
I am a Berliner.
I’m just marvelling at the way these people weave ever more complex narratives to support their conspiracy theories. You would think that when one of their own dies from a disease they don’t think is real, they might stop and think about it. But no, they go on a rampage because now the hospitals are holding patients hostage. Incredible demonstration of the lengths people will go to avoid admitting they might be wrong.
I was going to say you forgot leeches—but I guess if Lin Wood is involved, that base is covered.
There exists a pastry named a “Berliner”?
It’s from the JFK speech on the Berlin wall:
Technically, these are best of the Berliners.
I’m half German, how did I get into my 60’s without knowing this. Crestfallen and with out hope, I trudge on in this lonely life of mine.
ZING! Well done.
(Actually I’ve heard leeches are being used for certain medical procedures, so even leeches have more value than one soon-to-be-disbarred lawyer.)
Lin Wood is the new Jack Thompson?
I have a friend that makes these, but she calls them Sufganiyah, although hers are more jelly and less icing. But yeah, they are the best
Babbling idiot is not what I’d call a good attribute in a lawyer, but for the tRumper/Qnuts I see how that would be a plus.
Don’t get me started on Girl Scout cookies!