Leak: Trump will allow US companies to buy "conflict minerals" that fund terrorist warlords in the DRC

I like to think McCain is better than that. He occasionally sounds like a reasonable human being, at least when he’s not running for president alongside The Word Salad Shooter.


Occasionally, yes. Intermittently.


Last time I was in rural GA I overheard a woman say to her friend that she doesn’t need to save any money for retirement or her kids’ educations because the apocalypse is coming in another year or two.


Corporate hypocrisy at its best.

Bet that page is gone by morning.


That’s not Trump’s wall. This is:

EDIT: Wow, even the flavour text is spot on!


That complacency came to an end for me during 2000-2001. After approx. 55 years of relative peace and progress in the West (thanks in large part to the post-war economic anomaly) we started slowly returning to the historical norm of authoritarianism, ultra-nationalism, inequality, and conflict – culminating in the elections of 2016 and those upcoming in 2017. If we don’t see rejections of these trends across the globe four or five years from now then a decision like this will seem like minor-league evil.


Don’t attempt to find consistency. America First and anti-immigration are the opposite of the free market.


Hey, if you’re ever in Baltimore or NYC… And yes, I do sometimes refer to my belief system as Gnostic Illumination. :wink:

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Evidence that a game of Magic: The Gathering that is going on at the White House (or possibly Trump Tower) RIGHT NOW is defining the future of the American Project! Hah, lol I fucking love the New Age. :slight_smile:


And the cumulative upkeep, too!


Because “national security”?

I used to think “national security” was just code for “political security” but time will tell…

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“…and that’s how I launched my campaign to become the King of Belgium.”


It’s not limited to rural GA. My mother often said similar things growing up. I didn’t realize until I was older that a large part of came from the fact that her own (internal) world had already been devastated.

If you believe that god is good, but suffer daily because of horrifying abuse that went unpunished, you may find solace in the belief that the unjust world is going to end real soon.

Pentacostal eschatology is a hell of a drug.


Yeah, but I noticed.




Not that I expect that’s what is is driving Trump’s decision making, but there are non-industry folks who think the Dodd-Frank provisions are counterproductive. Kevin Drum at Mother Jones gives an overview for those interested.

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“Artisanal mining” is by FAR the stupidest fucking new phrase I have come across today. I suppose we are to imagine that the “artisans” themselves are are post-hipsters who wear pants made of hemp fabric and only drink kombucha, as they live their fulfilling and prosperous lives in tune with nature?

FFS. Talk about attempting to shape perception through language.

They aren’t “artisans”. They are the extractive industries equivalent of subsistence farmers. Subsistence miners?


I am from Tennessee. I learned all through school how the mining industry took good men and broke them down for the sake of profit, while paying them in money only good at company stores renting on company land and at the end of the week they’d owe the company more money than they started. And if God Forbid they wanted better standards by unionizing they sent company thugs to burn their homes down or worse.

So this attempt at making mining seem like some salt of the earth in tune with nature thing can go fuck after it gets done shitting on whoever came up with that dumbfuck phrase.

And you want me to think some warlord assbag in fucksville Africa is treating his bought and paid for slaves any better or different? Sad fact is those miners in Congo probably would look at Old US company towns with envy.


Come on man, at least use the right country :slight_smile:


You say “blood diamonds,” I say hemocarbons.